Kojiro's Training (1)

After barking, Brian charged forward with his entire body, throwing everything he had into it. 

He fell to the ground, rolled over onto his back, and then struggled to get up while looking at Kojiro. He landed on the ground.

While Brian was making an effort to take shorter breaths, the flames that were already there in his pupils became even more intense. 

Brian repeated the motion of raising his arms above his head.

Kojiro furrowed his brow as he caught a glimpse of Neferet and Shane climbing the mountain out of the corner of his eye.

Kojiro went back to his previous position while making a remark and giving a slight shrug of the shoulders, "Take control, Brian, control of your body, control of your fire." 

Kojiro said this while slightly extending his legs further in front of him and opening both of his hands, "And with that control, you will take control of the fight."