One Step at a Time (1)

Neffy made an effort to move her arms in the manner that Kojiro had instructed her to do, striking the pad in a measured manner.

While Kojiro nodded, saying, "Okay…." 

Kojiro began to back away while saying something, "Come on, Neffy, follow me. Slow, the jab a half step and the straight a full step, exhale with each punch, and take a deep breath."

As Neffy sought to regain control of her breathing and began to move more slowly, she started to deliver the strikes more gradually.

While Kojiro said, "Neffy, wrap your bandages around your fists." 

While he was speaking, Kojiro rotated his arm in a deliberate fashion, "If the blow comes without the bandage. I'll dodge the blow."

As Neffy bobbed her head and struggled to swallow, she had a mental image of a little bandage covering the hand she was swallowing with.