Fight in the swamp (2)

The lizard was able to avoid the strike by leaping toward Roland while keeping its jaws wide open and its limbs out at the same time. Because of this, it was able to avoid being struck.

Roland deflected the attack by turning his waist and stretching his legs back, and then he began to struggle with the lizard by placing the handle of his ax into the lizard's mouth. 

This allowed Roland to gain the upper hand in the fight. Because of this, Roland was able to gain the upper hand in the conflict.

He flexed his hips in such a way that the lizard was forced into a position where it would block Anna's line of sight. 

Roland jumped to his feet and slammed the handle of the ax deeper into the lizard's jaws before regaining his balance. 

Because of this, the head of the reptile was pushed to move upward, and the lizard's body expanded as a result.