Our duty and honor (1)

While Neffy was frantically ripping and flinging her bandages as she rushed around from tree to tree, Shane was trying to get closer to her while she sat down and pulled him closer to her.

Undoubtedly, they were going at a quicker clip, but the process was beginning to tire them out. 

They were in a safer area when they were up in the trees, but their anxiousness, in addition to the fact that they were in the trees, contributed to the fact that they almost totally disregarded the outpost that Brian had brought to their attention.

As soon as Shane became aware of what was going on, he hurriedly got down on the ground and withdrew the rifle from his shoulder. 

Shane called attention to a few additional objects that could be seen through the door.

Shane left the building while he was inside, and as he did so, he leaned on the gun and stared at the canoes that were moored on the shore.