The Material They Are Made Of (3)

As the bullet made its way through the air, it went through the neck of the lizard and entered its chest.

The lizard produced a low squeaking sound as it turned its head to look at Shane, and after making the sound, it remained staring at Shane. 

The lizard also continued to look at Shane after making the sound.

Shane felt an increasing degree of pain in his shoulder as he watched the lizard turn its body to come at him on all three of its legs while he watched as he drew his revolver and placed it on his shoulder. 

As he watched, the ache in his shoulder increased. At the same time, he extended one of his arms and motioned to the side of the room.

Shane retreated as quickly as he could while yelling and bringing the rifle up to his shoulder. 

He then covered his full body with the gun and continued to escape.