A Losing Battle (2)

While a group of men ministered to Brian's wounds in the plaza below the lookout, the roar of the cannon fire clouded Captain Lagos' view of the battle below.

During this time, there was a visible plume of smoke rising from the central plaza of the town.

She was in a position to avoid being noticed, so she had taken cover on top of a barrier and was leaning her crossbow on her while she was there. During this time, she was resting her crossbow against her.

Two men were standing in front of her, and both of them were staring at her. 

Finally, one of the men broke the silence by murmuring that he needed to get something out of his neck. Following that, neither of the men continued their conversation.

The other man continued to fix his attention on her while he made his observation, "Emily, you are not in a position to continue with the defense."