I promise.

Esa? Mary called her friend as they were walking towards the school.

Hmmm what's up? Esa answered looking at her friend.

Why did you wear a wig?I thought you have always been proud of your brown hair? so what happened?

Esa's heart skipped beats,she didn't want her friend to know about her hair,or Mary would think that she's a freak, so she came up with a story that Mary would believe.

Ohh its nothing! I have this weird timetable that makes me do "weird" things,or things that people know I can't do...so today is one of those days..... so today I'm supposed to wear a black wig which ordinarily I wouldn't do and here we are!!!

Are you sure Teresa?? Mary asked calling Esa by her full name.

Hey! you called my full name how dare you??

okay, are you sure Esa??

Yes I'm sure,okay?

OK...but promise me one thing,Mary said with a serious face

What's that Mar?

That you won't lie to me!!! Not even a little, cause best friends don't lie to each other or keep secrets from each other, do you hear me miss Radcliff??

Esa laughed upon hearing her friend calling her by her surname.

First "Teresa" now "Radcliff"? and laughed the more,but when she noticed that her friend was serious she answered;

I "Teresa Radcliff" promise not to hide anything from you Mary Watson, she said all this with so much grief in her heart because she knew she wasn't being truthful towards her friend.

Mary hugged her with joy and then stretched out her hand to say;

BFFs Forever okay

Okay, Esa answered and both hugged again before entering the school building.