Dream Dream (Esa's POV)

What happened to me? Where am I? I look around and notice I'm in a sort of forest,and the scenario is just so familiar....I can't seem to understand but I think I've been here before, Oh wait its the setting of my dream!! Am I in my dream? if I am then...then...

I remember my dream very well I was being chased by men who wanted to rape me,I immediately heard some noise in the bushes in front of me,I froze at the sound,but managed to crouch down to pick a stick that was lying next to me.

Who...who's there? show yourself!! I stuttered out of fear,for my hands were trembling and my palms were sweaty.

suddenly a tall figure came out of the bush In front of me!! The place was dark which made the person look scary,I screamed and fell to the ground,just then more men came out of their hiding spots in the bushes!!! I was terrified! I quickly got up and began to run I didn't know where I was running to,although it was dark I still ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

The scenario was so real!! like I was relieving my dream..... I turned my head to see whether the "Rapists" had gone,to my surprise they were gaining up on me,Just like my dream. I ran faster.

I continued running until I reached a cliff,I knew there was no other way to run away from them,so I tried pleading.

Please! Please! don't hurt me! I beg of you!

One of the men laughed and they all came closer to me, I was moving backwards and suddenly lost my balance and fell.

This is it! It'll all be over soon...I'll soon wake up! I thought to myself...because the last dream I fell then woke up, but that didn't happen! instead I was caught by someone.

Are you all right? The figure asked

I'm fine....Thank you.

He didn't say anything and just placed me gently on the ground, the moon was bright and the atmosphere was chilly, I shivered,he must have noticed me shivering because he immediately removed his coat and put it me.

Thank you!

He didn't say a word and started to walk away.

Wait!! I called out to him,he stopped and turned, there revealing an alluring set of green eyes,under the moonlight they were beautiful.

Who are you?? I asked

You will know soon enough, he said and disappeared,.....After some time so did I.

Esa?!Esa !!! please wake up sweetheart please!!!! I could hear my mom calling my name,I opened my eyes and saw her crying! behind her was a doctor and as I looked around I find out that I'm on my bed but there is something like a drip sand near me.

Mom! I called out

Ohh my Esa you're awake thank God!!!!!