chapter 10

The sharp ice pick stabbed into the snake's body of the blue arc snake and poofed out part of its poisonous and not-so-tasty innards.

Zhu Yu was beating down on Yue Ge.

Yue Ge was already used to this.

At first, the sight of Zhu Yu standing indifferently in the kitchen, gutting, boning and skinning various prey, would still make her feel a little awkward.

... Who can imagine the little dragon lady killing a chicken and slaughtering a cow?

But I have to admit, even the way Zhu Yu uses the ice knife to deal with demonic beasts and spiritual plants looks good as well as looks fairy-like when cutting vegetables and meat.

But be careful not to let Zhu Yu get involved in the actual cooking process ... otherwise the kitchen will surely explode.

It is really a heavenly spirit Xiu Luo, living up to the name of the Asura tribe cooking kill!

But now, Yue Ge has been able to calmly make Zhu Yu beat down.

"The head, skin and scales, internal organs and meridian blood of the blue arc snake are all highly poisonous, so you still need to bleed it." Yue Ge reminded with a smirk. "And then you have to cut the segments oh."

Zhu Yu removed the snake's head, skinned it, froze the blood and then shook it off. But she just wouldn't pick away the meridians.

"It's the toxins in the veins that make the soup so much more delicious." Zhu Yu lowered her eyes and said stubbornly. "Besides, we are all cultivators, so even the poison of the blue arc is not a big deal."

Poison is nothing to be afraid of - it's the poison you eat! This is the true spirit of gourmets!

As an Asura, the heart of an ordinary human, Yue Ge: "... Then do as you wish."

Zhu Yu contentedly plated the light pink snake meat cut into segments and handed it to Yue Ge who was at the helm of the spoon to scorch the water.

Yue Ge sighed.

When she was in modern times, she had seen diners who ate puffer fish to death. Now, when she looked at Zhu Yu again, she laughed and felt that although she was aloof and withdrawn by nature, after she got to know her well, she was really cute and honest.

Cute - if the rest of the academy knew what she thought of Zhu Yu, their jaws would drop.

Anyway, the antidote to the poison is in the storage ring, so just eat it without fear.

Half an hour later.

On the stone pot, the aroma was dense.

Yue Ge ladled the soup into two jade bowls and handed one to Zhu Yu, unable to help but sigh, "Here, the fresh crispy soup you asked for, the poison is seasoned."

Zhu Yu took it indifferently, his silver eyes glittering.

The freshness of the snake soup and the strong fragrance of the wine complemented each other, giving the taste buds an overwhelming stimulation that was intoxicating.

Yue Ge considered herself quite talented in cooking, but for the first time, she would feel like she was about to burst into tears as she ate the dishes she had made.

Crying Liao, those descriptions of Gourmet Fan Cuisine are really okay! It's entirely possible to eat to the point of tears of contentment, or even to see flying visions as you eat!

In modern times, Yue Ge is also a so-called luxury family's daughter, not to mention other things, clothing, food, housing and transportation are all incompetent. She has tasted many top-notch cuisines, but none of them can bring such a touching ...

It must be the worldview! A mystical fantasy world, mystical fantasy food, is so unreasonable!

For a while, the two Asura sisters just ate the soup and drank the wine, carrying out food without words to the extreme.

In no time at all, the blue arc soup was completely consumed.

It was a rare occasion when Yue Ge relaxed completely, leaning back lazily like a Persian cat.

She took a small sip from her cup of wine and thought about the day she would go to one of the best restaurants in the Saint Lan Empire and order a dish of the soup - the chefs in the big restaurants had been cooking for decades, even centuries, and although Yue Ge was confident in her cooking skills, she did not think she could compete with them.

So she had to go!

She, who had never made snake soup before, could make the Bi Arc snake look like this ... What would that truly superb delicacy taste like?

Jie Jie Jie.

The first thing you need to do is to finish your own portion of the soup before she does, and at the moment you are shaking your crystal cup, watching the crimson wine shake like a crushed red agate.

Cultivators don't get drunk easily, and they had drunk a lot of wine, and looking at Zhu Yu's face, they didn't seem to be half affected. And Yue Ge herself, she was only slightly drunk.

So, the authenticity of those drunken and chaotic x-rays in mystery novels was questionable.

Yue Ge was thinking about something else, when she heard Zhu Yu's clear and crisp voice like a broken jade flowing spring call her name.

"Yue Ge." There was a pause. "You are well suited to the life of the human race."

Yue Ge was like having a pot of ice water poured over her head, instantly sobering.

"Yes, the human life is so pleasant, food is everywhere ... and there are all kinds of household appliances, comfortable and convenient." The more you think about how to reply, the more you smile sincerely. "I really like the life here, that's why I left the clan without a second thought."

Zhu Yu pondered, "Really."

Yue Ge felt a chill run down her back and her heart sank as if a boulder had been placed on it.

It was her own carelessness. The Asura were originally a sea-dwelling race, and although they could live on land like amphibians, they still felt uncomfortable leaving the sea where they had lived for eighteen years.

At first, Yue Ge was also very aware of this. The two Asura sisters had to dip into a pool of living water in Zhu Yu's courtyard from time to time, and at first she pretended to look uncomfortable, but her Shura instincts made her look flawless.

But lately, she had indeed slackened off.

Every move she makes perhaps shows that she is familiar with human life.

Zhu Yu was just withdrawn and uncomfortable with the human world, but she was not stupid.

Maybe ... she had suspicions early on.

"To adapt so quickly, I didn't expect it either." Yue Ge smiled wider and wider.

Zhu Yu was thoughtful: "I was fifteen years old when I arrived in the land of the human race. I was ignorant of the affairs of the Human race. Now that I have lived in the human race for five springs and autumns, I am not necessarily more comfortable with it than you are ..."

"That's fine, I don't like to deal with others, so I'm not as good as you when it comes to the affairs of the human race."

Zhu Yu tilted his head slightly and drained his cup.

"Perhaps I have a destiny with the human race." Yue Ge said lightly.

In this unscientific world, when it came to anything, two words would be enough to solve the doubts.

One is fate karma, and the other is fate with havoc.

One corresponds to a good thing, the other to a bad thing - and then no one will pursue the matter. It was a tried and tested trick.

Zhu Yu really didn't dwell on it much.

She poured herself another glass of wine and held it up for a moment before her silver eyes turned slightly and looked into Yue Ge's amber eyes.

"I do think that we are also very much related to each other." Zhu Yu said flatly. "I always feel that my mind has been much clearer since you came."

If it was someone else who said that, Yue Ge would still consider whether he was implicitly expressing a liking. But if it was Zhu Yu ... first of all, not to mention that they were both sisters, just by looking at her character, one would know that any karma or state of mind was a cultivation term, a karma in the academic sense, and not at all related to ambiguity.

But even so, Yue Ge had to admit that the iceberg beauty herself said she was fated to you, and her clear silver eyes were full of you - such a scene was really hard to resist.

If Jiu Fang Jie were here, I'm afraid he'd be so excited he'd lose his head, maybe even do a jump in place and spin around for a week and a half ...

"The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're getting into," she said, smiling genuinely, her eyes curving into the shape of the moon.

The two of them were drinking wine while casually drinking.

As they drank, they talked casually, from cultivation, to delicacies and delicacies, to small matters of little concern.

Although it was mostly Yue Ge who was talking, I am afraid Zhu Yu said more tonight than he had in the past month.

It didn't take long for the small vat of Red Heart Brew to be finished.

"It's getting late." Zhu Yu said.

"I know that too, so let's go to our respective rooms." Yue Ge smiled and answered, her cheeks flushed and her eyes watery.

Zhu Yu took a closer look at her and took out a pill: "It's a clearing pill, it can clear the mind, so it's perfect for the wine."

"Good, thanks a lot." Yue Ge took the pill and put it away in her sleeve, not taking it immediately.

After returning to her room, Yue Ge simply washed off the smell of alcohol and lay down on her bed.

She didn't take the elixir and wondered to herself what she was thinking about. She happened to raise her eyes and glanced at the beaded chain wrapped around her wrist, and suddenly remembered that ... ah, there was this spiritual weapon, which had not been named yet.

She raised her arm, and in the dim light, the moist white bead chain was even softer.

"Your name is ... Yu Ge." Yue Ge murmured softly.

Half a moment, shaking his head and smiling low.

What's going on ... orange li orange qi, what an inexplicable idea.

But Yu Ge does sound good, so let's call it that.

Outside the window, a full moon hung, bright and bright.