chapter 14

Half an hour later.

Ling Tao stared blearily at the large pile of roast meat sticks in front of Zhu Yu, then looked at her two sticks with resignation, and finally turned to Yue Ge pitifully, watering.

"... Is there really, really nothing left?"

"Bi arc snake is just a cut, all roasted and eaten." Yue Ge spread, his smile innocent and sincere.

Ling Tao puffed out her cheeks.

She had liked that white clad human called Zhu Yu, for no good reason, from an instinctive good feeling.

Naturally, she did not know that Zhu Yu, as a heavenly spirit cultivator bred from a heavenly spirit, had a rich natural aura in his body that was no better than that of the spirit race ...

The fact that Ling Peach is close to spirit beings, it is only right that she should have a good feeling about her.

But now, Spirit Peach gritted her teeth and declared - she didn't like that Human anymore!

Badass humanoids!

In the blink of an eye, a hundred skewers of the same tribe had been gathered by Zhu Yu and shared with Yue Ge!

Only two skewers were left for Ling Tao ... or the smaller two.

This Zhu Yu, obviously not a demon beast, how come he is even more protective of his food than the most protective of Teng Luo dogs ...

The first thing you need to do is to try it out.

The first thing you need to do is to try out a few of these.

The mouse lazily cooperated, poking a little and calling out, "Squeak, squeak, squeak--"

A sudden aroma hit her nose, and Ling Tao subconsciously turned her eyes to see Yue Ge handing over a skewer of meat.

"Although there's no more Bi-arc snake, I have other demon beast meat here, which is not as tasty and fragrant as Bi-arc, but it can still fill your stomach."

The way she was smiling with the skewered meat was like a layer of holy light, incomparably warm and touching.

"Wow..." Ling Tao immediately pounced forward, grabbed the meat skewer with one hand and hooked her neck with the other, giving her an enthusiastic hug. "Echigo, you're really the best human I've ever seen!"

Echigo, who was suddenly hugged tightly, "..."

Wait I just handed out skewers of meat and did nothing else, right?

How many people have you met, girl?

Oh yeah, I'm not saying I haven't.

Zhu Yu frowned, stepped forward and lifted the back of Spirit Peach's collar and carried her away.

"Spirituals, don't get oil on Yue Ge's robes." Zhu Yu said coldly. "If you are sane, you should know how to be polite..."

The spirit peach did not think so, made a deft effort to break free, then made a face at Zhu Yu: "slightly slightly slightly"

... is really a child.

The first thing you can do is shake your head, and you can't help but laugh out loud.

Zhu Yu didn't stay long and left silently.

After a moment of silence, the team members who were as quiet as chickens when Zhu Yu was there exploded.

"How dare Sister Zhu come here - without any notice?"

"Did she come all the way here for the barbecue?"

"Zhu, sister Zhu can actually eat roast meat ... I thought she would only eat spirit pills and drink spirit dew ..."

The next moment, several inquisitive (gossip) gazes shot towards Yue Ge in unison.

"So it seems that Captain ... and Sister Zhu have a close personal relationship?"

Yue Ge: "..."

Yue Ge glanced at Jiu Fang Jie, shy: "Aiya, you guys are really ... something like this, how can we say it to the public?"

The crowd unspoken: "Oh"

Only Xiao Junye leisurely shook his folding fan, pretending to say sharply, "Jiu Fang, Jiu Fang you cheer up ah! Don't think about it..."

Jiu Fang Xuan Ling: "... Shut up."

Another spirit peach swallowed his mouthful of roast meat and said in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

Yue Ge smiled lovingly and stroked his head, "Children, you don't need to know this, be good."

According to the age of the spirit tribe, this girl is still underage, don't let the adults poison her.

Spirit Peach: "...?"

More curious ...


After Heaven.

Yue Ge led the small group, guided out of the Forest of Twilight by the Spiritual Amulet of Guidance.

The spring excursion - no, the adventure activity was successfully concluded, and Yue Ge's squad was first in points and could receive a generous reward.

However, the team members did not look happy, they all looked grave. Xiao Junyi, in particular, was alone, his eyes sad.

On the last day of the training, some people from the Spirit Clan came to welcome their Saint Maiden away ... Before leaving, Ling Tao reluctantly gave Yue Ge a jade pendant as a token.

"You must come and find me in the Spirit Clan! I have so many friends that I want to introduce to you!" Ling Tao said so.

"Sure, it's a deal." Yue Ge smiled.

The spirit plant detector was no more.

However, before this, Ling Tao had almost searched for all the spirit plants on the list, so Yue Ge's squad had topped the list of points and no one could surpass them.

They also met squads who wanted to grab the points, and there was no shortage of people with eyes above their heads.

For example, a practitioner who had broken through to the Empty Human realm during the training exercise thought he was a big step above everyone else and that no one could beat him - and then he was taught to behave by the protagonist.

Fighting beyond the level is the protagonist's strong point!

According to Yue Ge's rough estimation, he would be able to deal with the Empty Human Realm, but he would have to use his Yu Ge - this seemingly harmless bead chain, when used, would be a murderous segment.

That would be very troublesome, not to mention the Academy's censure, and Yue Ge himself was not yet ready to kill.

After another encounter, Jiu Fang Xuan Ling exploded into a frenzy and disappeared into the dense forest.

He did not return until the end of the training, and the lead teacher was unable to find him in the forest.

Everyone thought that Jiu Fang Xuan Ling was in a bad way... team members were all in a sad state.

Of course, Yue Ge didn't think so.

The main character well, play missing only one reason - meet the edge ah.

In the plot of "The Great Emperor of the Nine Directions", Jiu Fang Jie had disappeared at least five or six times, either by mistake or brought into the secret realm by Mysterious High.

Each time he returns, he gets stronger.

When Jiu Fang Jie disappeared this time and came back again, he would probably have been promoted to the Empty Human realm.

But ...

How could it be, so simple to let Jiu Fang Jie surpass himself!

Yue Ge made up his mind -

Cultivate, cultivate, cultivate hard!

Find karma and scavenge for resources!

All for the sake of being powerful-

This is the world of cultivators.