chapter 18

... These are her parents.

Yue Ge smiled coldly.

An ostensible couple, married for profit, more like a partnership than a union. And the collateral to their collaborative process was Yue Ge and Yue Wu.

Spin-offs have value, too. ... The elder Yue lives alone in the old Yue family home, so I'm sure he would look forward to a life of syrupy grandchildren, right?

So the twin siblings were sent to their grandfather when they were not yet a week old, and stayed there until they were ten years old, when Master Yue passed away.

Grandpa was the family they recognised more than their parents, whom they only saw a few times a year.

Definitely don't leave, this is home.

At first, the siblings said the same thing - never leave.

Don't be separated from each other again after losing their grandfather.

But what was the point of a child's resistance? They were still taken away from each parent and grew up alone in some empty house in their name.

It was not until two years later, when they were promoted to school, that they were together again.

It is the strong who have the right to speak.

From a very young age, the Yue siblings knew this.

It was only that the strongest in the metaphysical world were strong by their own force.

Whereas the reality they lived in ... was strong by money, power and fame.

Yue Ge gave Yue Wu a deep look, and quickly withdrew his eyes again. When falling into the illusionary realm, one must not be hooked into the mind, otherwise the deeper one fell.

She had to find out where the illusion formation knot was as soon as possible, and then ... break everything in front of her.

The spirit power works, the divine sense extends out and looks around -

I saw an acacia tree that stood out.


The Asuras mostly live on the plains under the sea, along the rivers under the sea, and build stone houses to live in.

At the moment, by the rushing river.

"Look at her, guys, wow, she can't even speak!"

"What's the difference between her and a low-level demon beast ..."

"Tsk, an inferior Cultivator who can't cultivate and has no father, no mother and no upbringing, how is she worthy of Lord Xuan personally taking her back to the clan?"

Several childish looking Xiu Luo children, both male and female, were forming a circle, their mouths mocking and sarcastic.

The one in the middle of the circle was Zhu Yu.

When she behaved like this as a child, it meant that she was on guard, isolated and defensive.

Zhu Yu wavered for a rare moment.

How long ago was this?

... Fourteen years ago.

A boy with particularly hideous fangs reached for her and grabbed at her, only to be blocked by the girl beside him.

"What are you doing? Clan rules forbid killing each other within the same clan!" She said. "I don't want to be locked up in a forbidden stone cave, it's too boring."

"I wasn't going to beat her up." The boy's eyes rolled and he laughed strangely. "I was going to let her spend some time in the river to clear her head, maybe she'll open her mind?"

"Don't get into trouble ... this river is swift, what if it washes her far away and she can't be found, it's still the same clan fighting each other?" Another girl snickered.

Zhu Yu was unmoved and stood up.

So it seemed that it was an illusion.

"Hey, Ah Qin, what are you looking at, why don't you say anything?"

"Uh ... what she's draped in, is it Lord Xuan's clothes ..."

Two eyes stared straight at Zhu Yu, and one of its boys said curiously, "It really is."

They looked at each other.

"The same clan is not to kill each other, though ..."

"Picking her clothes off is nothing, right?"

Its looking at the most timid girl hesitantly, "Isn't that a bit much ..."

"You can't say that, we are helping her, maybe we can find a natural pattern or two in any part - that will prove she is not an inferior Shura girl, then she should thank us."

"It's okay if we can't find them, we tried our best, but this little bastard is not striving..."

The innocent malice of children is the most unstoppable of all.

Zhu Yu didn't even bother to raise his eyes.

The Heavenly Spirit Cultivator, born in Xuan Bing, will cultivate Xuan Bing, his love is thin and his six desires are nearly non-existent.

This ridiculous scene in front of her is not so much a knot in her heart as it is the beginning of her understanding of the concept of cultivation and her desire to cultivate.

In the illusionary realm, she should have sought the knot of the formation and used it as a breakthrough point to get out.

But for Zhu Yu, this was not yet necessary.

If you can break it with force, you can break it with force.

This illusion is not a demonic disaster, so you have to ask for clarity of mind.

And the spiritual power used to build it is so obvious and fragile that the problem will be solved by freezing and crushing everything in front of him.

How simple.

The ice spirit energy condensed in his palm, and Zhu Yu was about to lift-

"What are you guys doing!" A clear, childish voice rang out abruptly.

"Unlucky, it's that milk doll from the matriarch's house."

"She's passed by a few times, she can't be doing it on purpose!"

The evil children cursed lowly and dispersed in a huff.

Zhu Yu inclined his head and looked across the river under the sea at the little shura woman with the short head.

Oh, it was Yue Ge.

The little girl saw her looking over, but as if she was very nervous, she turned her head and ran away in a flash with a few toe taps, following the current.

All that was left behind was a series of air bubbles.

Zhu Yu: "..."

Yes, the few times we met as youngsters, the girl would just slip away when she met eyes. But if she doesn't meet eyes, she can end up all nice and airy and little adult-like.

In that case ...

"Since I caught a glimpse of you as a child, I have never forgotten your face since."

This is what Yue Ge said earlier.

Zhu Yu felt she could already be sure.

She watched as little Yue Ge ran out of sight before she urged her ice spirit Qi to freeze everything within her gaze.

A power to break the illusion.


When Yue Ge opened her eyes alertly, she saw Zhu Yu standing to the side with her arms clasped, wearing the moon at her waist.

They were in a lively garden, with flowers and bees and butterflies flying about.

Yue Ge was relieved to know that the knot in the formation was indeed the acacia wood that had been cut off by her golden spirit energy.

The illusion was effectively over.

What a strange thing, the original novel didn't say that Jiu Fang Jie had endured the illusionary realm test here, did this big brother soul test even divide into people?

Zhu Yu stared at her thoughtfully, and Yue Ge, sensing something, looked back blankly.

"Nothing." Zhu Yu said flatly.

Before she could say anything else, Zhu Yu's eyes snapped up and he raised his sword to point behind her.

"Please see senior." Zhu Yu said in a cold voice, the end of his sword smooth.

Yue Ge's body reacted faster than her spirit, and she lassoed Yu Ge's alignment behind her before she swiftly turned around and alerted herself at the same time as Zhu Yu.

"You know it's a senior, and you're still pointing your sword at little old me?"

A laughing voice came from the opposite side of the flowers.

Under their wary gazes, the bush trembled.

A translucent smiling old grandfather emerged from inside, wearing a translucent flower crown on his head and translucent flower clothes.

Real flower clothes.

Yue Ge: "..."