The large tent at the front of the camp is where the non-commissioned officers hold their meetings.

In front of the tent, there were two male cultivators clad in armour and iron masks, standing motionlessly with their weapons.

When they saw Sikong Yueying, they nodded slightly and said in unison, "The new recruits have arrived..."

After they had finished speaking, they stepped to the left and right to make way for the new recruits.

Sikong Yueying also nodded and took the lead, lifting the tent curtain.

Princess Yue Yi, as beautiful as the moon, and with great majesty.

The second battalion commander of the foreign battlefield, now the princess, the future Queen of Saint Lan ... is here.

Yue Ge followed behind her, taking in the female general without a trace.

Sikong Yueyi was sitting on the main stone platform.

She was extremely beautiful, with distant mountain eyebrows, phoenix eyes and lips like red cherry. She looks like the bright moon, but her aura is even more brilliant than that of the great sun.

Because of this aura, although The Nine Directions has never explicitly mentioned who the first female protagonist is, basically, the readers all default to this Princess Yue Yi.

Sikong Yueying saluted, but said, "Greetings, Battalion Commander."

In the military camp, everyone called each other by their military rank, so naturally they would not call each other sister and sister on this occasion.

"Are these the practitioners who are going to participate in the Hundred Kingdoms Martial Competition?" Sikong Yueyi's tone was flat.


"Good - now that you're all here, I won't talk nonsense to you. As per the rules, those from the Empyrean Realm go to the second brigade, and those from the Empyrean Realm go to the first brigade." Sikong Yueyi said in a deep voice.

"I don't care how comfortably you all lived before, but since you've been assigned to this foreign battlefield, you must listen to me and listen to the captain!"

"If you feel that the conditions are difficult and you don't fit in, then come and apply to me early - from whence you came, go back to where you came! Is that all understood?"

Yue Ge: "..."

It was too, too a!

The second battalion of the foreign battlefield, although it was under the Holy Lan Empire ... but the soldiers and generals here had been born and raised here for generations and did not have much respect for the imperial power.

If you say that the princess of the royal family can have privileges when she comes here,Airborne Battalion Commander ... that is really wrong.

The reason why Sikong Yueyi came to the military camp at the age of fifteen and was able to climb to the position of battalion commander in twelve years was all based on her own strength, on her ability to strategize and win a thousand miles.

Naturally, her general aura was also extremely strong.

In order to give these young talents, who have not been through the battlefield, a warning, her murderous aura was not restrained.

As a result of this murderous aura, the few cultivators behind her were already pale and their backs were covered in cold sweat.

Sikong Yueyi nodded on the contrary and said with satisfaction, "After all, they are the proud children of heaven who can be selected from thousands of elites and participate in the Hundred Countries Martial Competition, they are really much better than those people from the other day ... Alright, Yueying, take them out and give them a lecture on the rules."

Sikong Yueying immediately responded, "Yes!"

Sikong Yueyi stared at the white fox on her shoulder, the corners of her eyes twitching slightly.

But in the end, she said nothing and waved, letting them go down.

Yue Ge left the tent, still immersed in shock and admiration.

Since she had come to this world, she had seen many outstanding women, and naturally, Zhu Yu was the best.

But this Princess Yue Yi ... was really too queenly and full of a qi.

Those descriptions are simply not enough to describe a thousandth of her aura!

She thought to herself, in front of Princess Yue Yi, the nine square slags all have to be younger brothers!

"... What are you contemplating?" Zhu Yu said slyly.

The first thing I did was to say that I had a feeling that Princess Yue Yi was the head of the camp, and her aura was very impressive."

Sikong Yueying, who was walking ahead, also heard this and said with a smile, "Don't let Sister - the battalion commander - hear this, she will be angry if she is called Princess in the army."

Yue Ge then said, "Thanks for the mention."

"You're welcome," Sikong Yueying said, unconcerned, and waved. The little white fox wrapped its tail around her wrist as it grabbed on.

Sikong Yueying: "..."

Sikong Yueying shook it off, while the white tail was very stubborn and did not move.

She could only sigh and let it go.

Behind her, Zhu Yu was silent for a moment before adding, "I will go to the second team."

Seeing Yue Ge turn back in bewilderment, she added in a heavier tone, "And you will go to the first team."

Yue Ge was unsure, "Yeah."

This couldn't be more normal - in a Xuanfang army, if you don't divide the teams by realm, what else can you divide them by?

Zhu Yu frowned and stressed, "You and I, we are in different teams."

Yue Ge's expression gradually froze: "..."

Right oh.

In a moment of excitement, I can't believe I didn't even think of that ...

To be separated to a different team ah.

Yue Ge was a little down.

I was thinking that I would give Zhu Yu a perfect confession after the Hundred Kingdoms Martial Arts Competition ...

The result was that the martial arts battle was cut short, the confession failed, and Zhu Yu was dragged to this desolate place where there was no grass and no fresh food to eat.

The fact that you are in a different team means that you will be training separately, fighting separately, and perhaps even living in separate tents.

Wait, in different tents ...?

That would be very reluctant!

Although the army still has more male cultivators and fewer female cultivators, it is not possible for the female cultivators to be so extravagant as to live in one tent per person.

Otherwise what else do you call tough conditions wow.

Imagine Zhu Yu living with another woman, or in a cramped tent ...

The more the song succeeded in turning herself into a fresh lemon.

When Zhu Yu saw her look slightly lost, he came over to comfort her: "But it's not a big deal, so there's no need to be very concerned and lose heart."

Yue Ge: "..."

I do care!

At this time, Sikong Yueying led them to a place where tents were pitched.

There were two types of tents here, one was a dull earthy yellow and the other was a light grey - only about a fraction of these.

Whichever tent it was, it looked very simple.

"This is where you will be staying at night." Sikong Yueying introduced. "The male cultivators live in earthy yellow tents and the female cultivators live in grey tents, one for each person."

Yue Ge looked at the tents: "..."

Even though the conditions were tough, these tents were too small!

It didn't make sense at all - all the people here were clearly cultivators, not ordinary people. It's not hard to set up a tent, and there's plenty of open space, so why is there only this small tent?

You're just forcing the protagonist to suffer, aren't you? Yes, right?

Sikong Yueying didn't notice Yue Ge's grief and anger at all, and continued to speak, "Next, I would like to ask you all to listen to the rules of this camp."

"Being in the military camp, naturally we must follow the orders of our superiors, and must not act at will and be scattered without discipline."

"Today the devils have not attacked, so I still have enough time to talk to you all in detail ..."

Sikong Yueying said a lot in one breath, his mouth did not stop for a moment.

Yue Ge listened carefully and wrote down each and every item.

Finally, Sikong Yueying sighed: "As someone who has been there, there is one more thing I would like to remind you: no matter what, don't get into conflict with the rest of the camp and don't think too highly of yourself... that's all I have to say."

"It is getting late, so you can go to your tents and rest for tomorrow's battle." Sikong Yueying said.

Then a woman came running and said in a crisp voice, "I will arrange for your lodging."

"A few male cultivators, you can go to that last tent in the first column; a few female cultivators ..."

She paused and said, "There are not enough tents for the women. There is a standard tent with two people in it, and there is still room for one. There is another smaller tent that can only accommodate two people. What do you think of this ...?"

The team, with only one female practitioner.

The female cultivator, who was also from Cave Ming, was busy saying, "In that case, I will go to that standard tent - what does Elder Sister Zhu think?"

Of course she had to go to the big tent herself!

Otherwise, would she have to share a small tent with one of the partners?

Zhu Yu nodded slightly, "Yes."

Yue Ge also nodded his head.

I don't know how small the tent is yet. ...

But it's nice to be able to stay in the same place as Zhu Yu.


... That said, this is too small!

The more the song huddled in a corner of the ground bunk.

This small tent, to put it nicely, is a tent.

It was a cramped bird cage, to put it mildly.

There was only one double bunk, and barely enough room to squeeze in two tables and cases, but nothing else.

The height of the tent was also tiring; Yue Ge was fine, but Zhu Yu was taller than her and had to lower her head slightly to move around the tent.

Zhu Yu didn't mind.

Yue Ge felt as if she was a little happy about it.

Zhu Yu sat down at one end of the bunk, cross-legged, and Yue Ge stared at her for a moment before suddenly falling backwards and lying down on the bunk.

Her body was slightly sideways and her head was resting right next to Zhu Yu's leg.

A few strands of green silk rested on Zhu Yu's snow-white robe embroidered with dark cloud patterns, and then slowly slipped away. In the end, only one strand remained stubbornly on it.

"Ah ... don't want to cultivate tonight."

Yue Ge said in a sappy tone.

Zhu Yu stiffened imperceptibly and did not say anything.

Yue Ge then picked up again, "The air here is dry too, it's too uncomfortable."

Zhu Yu: "... When you cultivate, you don't find it hard."

It means that ... still cultivate well.

No sleep, we don't sleep oh.

Literally sleep.

Yue Ge: "..."

Zhu Yu was silent for a moment and added, "But if you want to rest, then let's rest."

After saying this, he stretched out his pair and gently cupped Yue Ge's head ...

and then laid it on a pillow to the side.

"I'll keep watch." She said so.

Echigo: "..."

Echigo: "Aren't you going to get some sleep? Proper sleep can be beneficial!"

Zhu Yu was silent for another moment, seemingly considering what to say.

Then, he said flatly, "You and I are not yet married and should not sleep together."

Yue Ge understood.

This sister's logic was.

Unmarried partners are not allowed to sleep together.

However, if both partners sat on the same bed and cultivated with their legs crossed, they were not sleeping together.

If one partner cultivates and the other falls asleep, they are not sleeping together either ...

The other party fell asleep while the other party was practicing.

Although I didn't intend to do anything, I don't know why I'm still a bit frustrated ...

Cultivate cultivate cultivate, sleep is not a cultivate!

Zhu Yu: "... aren't you going to sleep?"

Yue Ge: "No, no - practice well and get better every day; meditate well and go to war tomorrow."

Zhu Yu: "..."

And so the night went on without a word.