The two left the alien battlefield and found the two seniors in a border town.

When they did, Asahi tasted the local snacks and looked at the young master and his wife with great interest.

Yue Ge: "... Hello seniors."

Asahi slowly swallowed her snack, and her first words were.

"Young master, are you ... getting a tan?"

After saying that, he also forgot to pretend to sigh with regret: "A good little young master, how did he become a black whale back."

Yue Ge: "..."

If she didn't know that a cultivator's skin condition is not affected by the outside world, she would have believed it!

Asahi was worried again, "Alas, the sun is really poisonous in the desert. I don't know if our poor young master will be able to recover, but he really needs to go back to the water."

Yue Ge's face was expressionless: "No, I don't need to."

Asahi was shocked, "Is it possible that the young master still doesn't want to go home?" Then he let out a long sigh, "Poor old patriarch, he's looking forward to his daughter's return ... I guess he doesn't even care to eat the giant spirit fish now, he's just waiting for you to go back to the clan."

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the website.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the website.

Yue Ge kept smiling: "Yes, I understand, I understand."

Zhu Yu stood by the side, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Shall we leave now?"

When Asahi had had enough of laughing behind Shen Yan, she came out and replied, "The sooner the better, of course."

She looked at Yue Ge and said in a serious tone, "Don't let me exaggerate, but the matriarch is actually more concerned than that. The young master, as the heir to the patriarch, should pay more attention to the important matters of the clan. ..."

After listening to her, Yue Ge said seriously, "I should indeed go back earlier."

After a pause, "It's just that ... we still need to wait for another day."

Zhu Yu inclined his head to look at her.

Yue Ge looked back calmly and blinked.

Asahi and Shen Yan also looked at each other for a long time, before saying, "Good, we know that young master has a sense of proportion."

That was all right.

Yue Ge and Zhu Yu walked together in the street.

The two seniors were not far behind, and every now and then, one of them would stop and buy a bunch of local snacks.

All the locals we saw on the way were wrapped up tightly, with their heads and faces uncovered, as if they were wearing Arabian robes.

However, there are often outsiders here, so Yue Ge's girls are not really conspicuous.

As she walked, Yue Ge gave Zhu Yu a quiet glance.

Zhu Yu's senses were so keen that he immediately turned his face sideways and asked, "What is it?"

Yue Ge did not squirm and took Zhu Yu's hand.

When she was sure that Zhu Yu had no intention of mentioning "pre-marital rites", Yue Ge sighed in relief and said with a smile on her face, "Do you remember what I said outside the magic camp?"

"Naturally." Zhu Yu's eyes twitched slightly as he said calmly. "You speak first or I speak first."

Yue Ge smiled, "You go first."

Zhu Yu was silent for a moment.

"There are many people that receive your attention."

"At first it was me. But this attention is very strange ... you don't pay attention to me because of me per se, but because of my name."

Yue Ge subconsciously squeezed her fingertips, but quickly relaxed them again.

Zhu Yu continued, "After this, even more so, there are nine parties Xuan Ling, a thousand multiplication dance ... you always pay attention to some specific people, pay attention to their words and actions."

Yue Ge responded softly, "Yes, what else?"

Zhu Yu sighed: "You didn't actually deliberately hide it from me. Just like those karma, you always somehow know where they are, what they are and how to obtain them."

"If once was a coincidence, then several times down the line, it is no longer something that can be explained by karma."

"These are questions that have been piling up for a long time. If it involves your hidden secrets, I have no intention of exploring ... just."

Just still feel a little bewildered and annoyed at a certain moment.

Yue Ge suddenly looked at her seriously, "A Zhu."

Zhu Yu:?

"Is this the first time ... you've said such a long string of words in a row?" Yue Ge marveled.

Zhu Yu: "..."

Yue Ge held back his laughter and said with a straight face, "These are indeed hidden secrets, however, I don't mean to hide them all from you."

"After all, I like Zhu the most, so naturally I trust you too."

This was said as if she was not the girl who had fumbled and prevaricated at the Hundred Kingdoms Martial Competition.

After all, she was in a very different state of mind than she had been then.

Zhu Yu lost his smile: "Let's hear it."

Yue Ge cleared her throat and said, "Actually, I have known about you for a long time."

She raised her eyes, watching Zhu Yu's expression ... Of course Zhu Yu's everyday expression was that of no expression, and Yue Ge did not see through it, to no avail.

"I understand that there is a possibility that I will meet this part of you, and I also know something that will happen in the future."

"Divination?" Zhu Yu frowned.

Yue Ge shook his head and said nervously, "No, it's not something like prophecy or divination."

"It's just some fragment of a story like a talking book, some times it's accurate, but other times, it doesn't match at all."

While describing the feeling, Yue Ge was inevitably dismayed.

It was surprising that this was all she could say.

As for what: she was not the original Xiu Yue Ge, she came from another world, and everything in this world was a metaphysical setting ...

These real hidden secrets, she would not say out loud for the time being.

"Yes, that's all I can say." Yue Ge whispered, feeling the touch of Zhu Yu's slightly cool fingers, she actually began to speculate for no reason, would this be the last time she held this one?

What are you thinking - Zhu Yu is not that kind of person.

But ...

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're getting into.

The smile that had always been on her face finally faded as she looked at her.

"If you feel uneasy, you're uneasy, where's the reason ...," she snapped at Zhu Yu's. "But well, even if the uneasiness is temporary, ah, I still like you the most."


For a long time, there was still silence.

The song was not sure what was going through her mind, so she looked at Zhu Yu and did not move her eyes.

He saw that Zhu Yu's gaze was distant, as if he was contemplating something.

"I am surprised that you can say this." In the end, Zhu Yu only said this. "If you think about it in the future and feel that you can tell me everything, I will be very happy to do so."

"But if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to feel sorry for me."

Yue Ge nodded her head and nodded.

That made sense.

Having finished nodding, she then reacted - wait isn't this back to the original statement?

Zhu Yu took her hand back and sighed softly, "There's nothing to dwell on, so what if I tell you? So what if I don't? As you said, hiding it from me doesn't mean you don't like me, right?"

Yue Ge nodded her head halfway, but suddenly stopped.

No, she couldn't just say yes now - think of her perfect confession plan!

So Yue Ge took a hard turn and said stiffly, "Speaking of which, I have some shopping to do, why don't we go to the cultivator market?"

Zhu Yu glanced at her, "..."

Yue Ge didn't change her face, "..."

It was Zhu Yu who eventually sighed. She felt that this must be the most sighing day she had ever had.

She lifted the empty one and rubbed it lightly on the top of Yue Ge's hair.

"Good, then let's go to the market."

Yue Ge froze, still a little confused even after Zhu Yu put it down.

Is this ... head-touching?

Not bad for a head touch kill! It was really powerful!

Until the two of them entered the bazaar, the thin redness on Yue Ge's cheeks were still stubbornly left.


When Yue Ge stayed for this day, she naturally had to buy quite a few things.

Not to mention other things, just her dessert project, there are quite a few ingredients to prepare.

According to her past experience in making small desserts, all these ingredients, can be found as substitutes in the Spiritual Abyss Continent -

Eggs could be replaced with those of spirit birds, which tasted better and contained spiritual energy.

Milk can be replaced with a kind of demon horse milk, which is arguably the most similar in taste to milk, with a more intense sweetness ... and most importantly, is very tonic.

Of course, with the milk, you can make your own light cream ...

With all this piece by piece math, it's possible that the final product will end up tastier than ever, too.

Wish Yu how happy he would be then!

He must have been so happy, but his eyes were shining and he was eating the snacks so fast that it was hard to beat.

The thought of it made Echigo even more energetic.

Of course, her perfect plan included more than just those little desserts in her current life.

What about snow feather yarn, shocking hongpi, broken water white silk ...

What are the heavenly jade, cloud pearl, ice hair crystal ...

These clothes and raw stones that contain powerful spiritual power and are born very beautifully are all targets for Yue Ge.

Naturally, she still remembered the vow she had made.

One day, I will make Zhu Yu eat her (Completed √) and

wear her (in progress).

use her (in progress), and

Live in hers (progress bar not yet expanded)!

Although she is not good enough to make Zhu Yu the most suitable clothes and utensils, it is still a meaningful confession gift.

It's not a waste of time for her to spend all day forgetting to eat and sleep, and to use what she's learned from that purple gold pot to study the art of smithing at the same time!

... As for whether Zhu Yu will notice her purpose.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not aware of this.

The actual fact is that you'll be able to guess it all separately, but together it's a perfect confession - such a romantic idea that Zhu Yu will certainly not think of!

Yue Ge's spirits were high.

At the market in this border town, she throws away thousands of dollars and has a bit of a sense of purpose.

There was a lot of good stuff in this place.

The spoils of war seized from the demon race are one of them ...

The relics left behind by the ancestors of the human race is another.

As this place is near the battlefield of the foreign race, so the great powers who fell here are also quite a lot, what immortal relics where the great powers rest for a long time is not difficult to find.

The more the song picked, the more her interest rose.

It was just a pity that she obviously did not have the same good luck as Long Aotian.

What kind of spirit moves and then picks up a certain treasure - this kind of plot still has no chance with her.