When this question was asked, Yue Ge first subconsciously glanced at Zhu Yu.

Zhu Yu's face was still calm and unmoving, and he could not see anything.

Yue Ge then looked at the old patriarch.

The old patriarch's expression was mixed with happiness and sadness, either crying or smiling ...

The look is a bit like a father's heartbreak when he marries his daughter, and a bit like a mother's pride and joy when her son marries her daughter-in-law.

The combination of these two looks a bit odd.

Yue Ge took a deep breath, crying and laughing, but at the same time, a certain idea in her heart gradually became clear.

"Father, my daughter has actually returned to the clan this time with the intention of marrying Ah Zhu at this time ..."

She said, a little shyly.

The old patriarch was pleased to hear this and said, "Is that true?" Then he turned to Zhu Yu and said with relief, "Zhu Yu, do you think so too?"

Yue Ge said, "Naturally, I do."

Zhu Yu also said, "That's exactly what I mean."

Hearing Zhu Yu say this, Yue Ge was relieved.

Well, although she had expected this to happen ..., she was still very happy to hear Zhu Yu say it himself.

The old patriarch was in a trance for a moment, not knowing what had come to his mind.

He looked at his daughter and then at his daughter-in-law-to-be, and his dark purple lips twitched slightly.

It was only after a long time that he sighed, "Come back to the hall with me ..."

The two responded and were about to follow.

The two of them looked at each other and said in unison, "Patriarch, we will leave now."

The old patriarch gave a big wave: "This time my daughter's trip, you two have to escort her, so go home first, and I will also reward you afterwards."

Shen Yan frowned and said, "Patriarch, this is not acceptable. Although we are there to protect the young master, we have not done much, but have gained a lot.

The old patriarch said sternly, "If I say so, so be it! Don't resist, just take it."

The light-coloured one smiled and said, "Good, then we'll do as we're told?"

The old patriarch said, "Go, go, go."

Yue Ge watched as the two seniors walked away together without looking back: "..."

Her heart was slightly speechless, only because Asahi had sent her a voice--

"Young master, take your time to talk with the clan leader, we'll go home and spend time together.

Yue Ge didn't know what to say, so she didn't say anything back.

The Asuras who had come to greet them looked at each other and also bowed to say goodbye.

Seeing that all the Asuras had gone to their respective places, the old patriarch was satisfied and said, "Let's go now."

The two women were wrapped in a strong force and headed straight for the Asura King's hall in the clan.


The Asura King's palace, somewhat like the mythical undersea dragon king's crystal palace, is built with some kind of translucent strange crystal.

The old patriarch led the two of them here, and after nodding to the two Asura hans guarding the entrance, he rushed into the inner hall.

Yue Ge looked around silently.

Well, when she had first crossed over to this place, she had also been to this hall before. It was just that she was in an inevitably nervous and guarded mood at the time and had not paid much attention to its furnishings.

Now look again ...

My old father,..., how much do you care about these decorations?

It is not that the temple objects are so ordinary, but they are too extraordinary.

What blood mist coral, magic clam giant beads, what abyssal dragon tendons, Hua fan chalcedony ... and many other sea treasures that she had not seen in the human collection but knew at first glance were not ordinary, all piled up randomly in the corner.

The east pile, the west pile.

A pile by the bed, a pile under the table.

The most eye-catching one is an aura snow jade plate, which seems to have been used by him as a dinner plate, specifically to hold seaweed tangled fish.

Yue Ge: "..."

Worthy of being the Asura King! Trenchantly justified!

The old patriarch casually sat down on a snow-white mat and greeted him, "Come, come, sit down. Why didn't Yue come over, has he become more reserved after his trip? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

Yue Ge silently stepped forward and took a seat on the opposite side of the blue mat, while Zhu Yu sat beside her.

"Is the wedding date set? When will the ceremony be held? Have you made preparations?" The old patriarch asked in a series of questions.

Yue Ge said without hurrying, "The wedding date has not yet been decided, so we still need to discuss it again.

The old patriarch gave a beat and sighed, "It is also ..."

Only then his expression became torn.

How could a hanyou, an asura hanyou with a big heart and thick nerves, understand how to conduct the deed-tying ceremony?

At that moment, he said with slight embarrassment, "Cough cough, this ... is better to discuss with those female elders, my father really does not understand these ..."

If only her mother were still around. Ah Qing was so meticulous and capable, she would have been able to arrange this grand ceremony in an orderly manner ...

The old patriarch paused and added, "However, my father will learn from his own mistakes and will not let my daughter's bonding ceremony be anything less than satisfactory!"

Yue Ge did not think there was anything wrong with that. The ceremony was a wedding.

According to the formula, it is just a banquet for the guests - the officiant speaks - the newlyweds go on stage - one worships the heaven and earth, two worships the high hall and the couple worships each other - the couple is sent to the wedding room. -Send to the bridal chamber ...?

Ahem, in short, a set of flow down will do.

So Yue Ge smiled, "Well, I will."

Having said that, she quietly glanced at Zhu Yu.

Zhu Yu also looked over, his silver eyes darting around, also revealing a hint of delight.

The old matriarch thought for a moment before saying firmly again, "Anyway, my daughter's marriage ceremony must be the best!"

The wedding dress must be the best, the jewellery that the girls like must be the best, and the seaweed and spirit fish for the banquet must also be the best!

With this in mind, he looked at Zhu Yu again, and could not help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

Originally, as the king of a clan, he did not know many of the clan's juniors.

There were only two exceptionally good ones that he could see in front of him.

But Zhu Yu was different.

The Asuras are warlike and have a voracious appetite, comparable to that of the Taotie, so there will always be those who are restless and want to go outside.

Over the years, there were many who came to him to apply to leave the clan.

He seldom granted permission to these young and impetuous asuras.

But only Zhu Yu, after he had investigated and sighed, did not hesitate to grant him permission.

She was an orphaned daughter brought back from a small island at sea by Xuan Hua Sheng, the patriarch of the Luo Sheng Clan.

An inferior Shura girl with no Shura tattoos on her body.

... is also the child raised by the former Grand Elder who has long since retired from the clan and does not care about its affairs.

This is the first time I've ever seen a woman with no fighting ability and a very withdrawn personality.

I think it would be better to let her stay in the clan and not have a good time, rather than agree to her going outside the clan -

Whether she returned to the island where she started with the birds and beasts, or went to a place beyond the sea and the forest, it was better than staying in the clan and being bullied by those children.

I just never thought that Zhu Yu would be able to cultivate and break through to such heights ...

This is the first time in at least a thousand years that such a genius cultivator has been seen.

The old patriarch thought, and felt guilty.

If this person in front of him was not his daughter-in-law-to-be, but an ordinary member of the clan ... himself had learned of her talent, he might have lamented it, but would never have felt remorseful and guilty.

It's just that if he had thought a little more at the time and tried to see if this little girl could set out on the path of cultivation or not, would she not have had such a difficult time?

And his own daughter would not have been so lonely in her childhood and teenage years ...

These thoughts were just a flash, and with a wave, the old patriarch said, "Zhu Yu, now that you and A Yue have become a couple, you are also considered my daughter."

He took out a token and struck out a spiritual energy, engraving Zhu Yu's name on it.

"This token is for you, henceforth, you will be treated as a young master in the clan, equal to Yue!"

Zhu Yu took the token and did not speak.

However, the Moon Sword flew out of its scabbard and engraved the word "Lady" next to the word "Young Master" on the token.

"I think I prefer this title." Zhu Yu sheathed the Moon Sword and said flatly.

Yue Ge did not blush.

Only her small, pretty ears were red, which was an improvement.

The old patriarch was stunned and laughed loudly, "Good, whatever you want!"

The last time we met, this girl was still indifferent, but now she is already in love? Very good, very good!

After this, people talked for a while.

It was mostly Yue Ge and her old father talking, but Zhu Yu had always been silent and did not say much now.

He just rubbed his long fingers over the token, his eyes brimming with light.

Finally, Yue Ge suddenly remembered: "Yes, I almost forgot ... what was the so-called clan important matter that father conveyed to the light-coloured elders and the girls earlier?"

The patriarch slapped his head: "Oh, this thing."

Yue Ge pricked up his ears to listen, but heard a sentence, "It's not a very important matter, we'll discuss it after your bonding ceremony."

Yue Ge: "..."

Wasn't it a big event that even the Elder Grandfather of the Wand had to go out? How come it wasn't important anymore?

But seeing the old father's gaze wandering, a "I don't want to talk about it dad I just don't want to talk about it" look, Yue Ge is also a bit helpless, can only shut up about it.

Anyway,..., since he has said so, probably not more important than his own wedding?

The next thing you need to do is to stay at the temple.

Yue Ge originally tentatively asked Zhu Yu if he wanted to stay in his room?

However, Zhu Yu's will was very strong, and he would not stay together until the ceremony had been held.

"What about practising together?" Yue Ge was lucky.

Zhu Yu half-closed his eyes, as if he was holding back something: "No."

Yue Ge bristled: "..."

Suddenly she was a little sad, doubting her own charm.

But this was just right, she was supposed to refine out the clothes and bake the little desserts without Zhu Yu's knowledge. Now that she was living separately, it gave her some space.

So Yue Ge set about her work.

When she was practising baking desserts, she would find an excuse to go ashore while Zhu Yu was practising.

And there was no need to be so particular about refining weapons.

Originally, refining weapons, like alchemy, could not be done without flames.

Generally speaking, how could one refine a weapon at sea?

I'm afraid that the fire wouldn't even ignite!

However, the Asura clan had a secret treasure called the Sea Devouring Spectral Aura, which burned even more gloriously when in the sea instead.

In the original, this flame had been cheapened by Jiu Fang Jie, allowing him to refine pills in the sea.

Now, Yue Ge took it to refine weapons, and the spirit weapon thus refined was also subtly compatible with Asura's physique.

During this time, she also went with Zhu Yu to seek out the female elders to discuss the Grand Ceremony.

When they came together, they decided to set the ceremony for early next month.

According to Asura beliefs, that day is the first birthday of the sea god, and it is also a good time to get married.

Yue Ge also secretly set the date for the perfect confession.

The day before the ceremony, the place ... was on the isolated island where Zhu Yu was born.