
Sirens II

With all my might I stood up, I was in so much pain and was loosing alot of blood but I continued moving. I almost got to the men when I felt a harsh tug on my head and turned to see siren Damian looking at me with a twisted smile and suddenly the skin on siren Damian face started melting and it morphed into a female fish like face, it was truly terrifying but I had to get to the men.

The siren obviously wasn't having it and continued tugging my hair, she threw me to the other side of the camp away from the soldier, my head hurt badly and my vision was becoming blurry.

I then saw Damian, where had he been all this while he then he and his siren got into a heated fight and I saw it as an opportunity to make my move, I struggled with all my strength to get to the men but I was too late they were all in the river and were all ready drowning.

Damian's maids were occupied fighting the other sirens and Damian was occupied with their queen, his men were drowning including Lucian, I was so confused.

I suddenly had an idea, I ran towards were Damian and the siren queen where fighting and I started to create a distraction by throwing stones at the siren queen and it worked, I finally got her attention she looked at me with an annoyed expression and before Damian could interfere other sirens cornered Damian and it was just me and the siren queen.

I wanted her to hypnotize me and before she did I yelled, "Damian stab her" and when she began singing bits and bits of my consciousness started to fade away but I didn't make any move.

When I felt the last string of my consciousness snap I pulled out the dagger the siren queen used to stab her and flinged it into the direction of Damian and I blacked out.


I heard Andronika's voice as she yelled stab her. I was very learned in mystical creatures and I knew the only way a Siren could be killed. As Andronika flinged the dagger towards me, I overpowered the sirens around me with all my might who were surprisingly strong but not on par with my strength.

They kept on coming and I continued to smash their heads on the floor. Two sirens jumped me and I ripped their hearts out. As I continued to advance towards the dagger coated with Andronika's blood, I saw all the other sirens I've dealt with suddenly regenerate and I knew I had to get to the Siren queen who looked like she was going to snap Andronika's neck and moment.

With inhumane speed I dashed towards the siren queen, she sensed my presence behind her and she turned to face me only to meet a dagger I plunged into her heart.