Qrow meets Exusiai and Mysterious Semblance

"Hey what's a kid like that doing in the bar? More importantly, why are you letting her drink alcohol?" Qrow knows he has entered a den of mercenaries and assassins but surely this matter has to reach the bottom line of these guys.

Qrow has been here a few times and knows underneath these guys is a bottom line they don't touch as they don't kill innocent bystanders or kids. This place is called the Mercenary Union and they have a strict code of honor.

"Oh her? Don't mess with that one man. She has been taking assassination missions left and right and has had a completion rate of 100% ever since she rolled up in here. Some of the mercs tried to hassle her and they all got a bullet between the eyes lightning fast! No one saw it coming and her words were 'Get lost' and we all ran out like scared children. Man, I've never seen anyone shoot that fast... So take my advice big guy don't piss her off in fact don't even go near her." The Assassin says. Sure these Mercs and assassins are all hardened killers but they fear death in the end they too are human.

'She can't be any older than Yang!' Qrow has a twitch in his eye.

"What's her story anyway?" Qrow asks for some information.

"Her? No one knows where she came from or who she really is as she doesn't appear in any government basically she's a ghost with no identity. She calls herself Exusiai Hard to pronounce so she says just call her Exu as it's easier for idiots she says. She has a venomous tongue but her skills back it up so just don't go near her." The Assassin walks away to get another drink.

'That right?' Qrow's curiosity gets the best of him and he walks in the direction of Exia making all the tough guys pale in fear.

"Exu right? Mind if I sit here?" Qrow asks just to be polite.

"Do I look like I own this booth you see my name on it? If you want to sit down just sit down don't ask stupid questions." Exu says as she continues sipping her liquor. Qrow tries to take the booze away and a knife came out lightning fast and almost skewered his hand.

"Don't touch my drink or next time I will shoot you in your fucking face got it dickhead?" Exu glares at Qrow.

"Understood! So I was wondering why a ki- Someone your age would be working as an assassin... Why not join a huntsman academy?" When Qrow saw her reach for her pistol when he was about to say kid so he changed his words.

"Dreaming about being a huntsman is for kids and suckers. I can kill Grimm easily but it doesn't pay nearly as well as killing people. Money is the only thing I'm concerned about... Besides what would joining an academy even provide me? I'm already skilled enough to take down Manticores and ravagers. The money I get is more than any huntsman makes. I have a place of my own and don't need food water or other necessities. I'm fine with how things are." Exu narrows her gaze at Qrow trying to see why he is asking questions.

"Alright, Kid have things your way... I was just trying to be nice and was going to invite you to join Beacon to give you a fresh start away from this... Darkness" Qrow gets up and leaves. Exu's eyes follow Qrow as he leaves and once he's gone she takes a job that is high pay and high risk not realizing it's a trap set for her specifically. It's to assassinate Jacques Schnee.

'Seems legit. A lot of people want this piece of shit dead it's no surprise he is here.' Exu takes the mission and saves it to her disposable Scroll.

Exu already very resistant to the cold of Solitas walks to Atlas. She arrives in Mantle and looks up at Atlas.

"hey, kid you looking to join the Atlas Academy? I can get you into Atlas for a price. We smuggle goods in there as rich folks love their drugs but we occasionally smuggle people too. 5000 Lien to get in." A shady guy starts his sales pitch.

"I got a better idea... How about I act as one of the guards for your... Goods and I won't kill you?" Exu stabs an injection into the man and he screams.

"Shut up or I will rip your tongue out!" Exu grabs the man by his lower jaw ready to dislocate it and rip out his tongue. He nods with a whimper.

'What did you inject me with?" The shady guy asks with fear in his voice.

"It's a very special cocktail of poisons that will activate in twenty-four hours and will immediately kill you. Only I have the antidote. You get me in you get the antidote deal?" Exu points her silenced pistol at the man's chest.

"Yeah yeah got it got it! I'll get you in tonight just please give me-" The shady man is cut off.

"You get it tomorrow morning or not at all! Do you understand john?" Exu says in a sinister voice.

"My name's not okay yeah yeah call me John! You got it missy I'll get you in tonight and I get the antidote tomorrow morning! I understand!" The man shakes in fear not realizing why Exu is calling him John and he certainly wouldn't put two and two together since Exu plans tomorrow morning to make him a John Doe.

Mr. John Doe gets Exu in and tries to beg for the antidote and got the same reply... Tomorrow morning. Exu stealthily makes her way to the highest building pointing at Mr. Schnee's bedroom. Exu's semblance was practically made for assassination.

'Good Night and Good Bye Mr. Schnee!' Before she takes the shot she sees a fire glowing red under her and she uses acrobatics to get out of the way.