Start of canon and Pettiness

"End of the line Red!" Roman throws a fire dust crystal at Ruby and Snow Phantom shoots it mid-air for greater effect only for the resulting explosion to be blocked by none other than Glynda Goodwitch. Roman retreats.

"We got a huntress!" Roman speaks to Cinder.

"She is more than enough for her just watch the show, Roman." Cinder focuses on flying.

'I know she is more than enough but I kinda like having a guarantee! That monster is even worse ever since a few months ago... Now she tries to find any reason to be cruel! I'm talking to you because you are the lesser of two evils! I wanted you to go out there!' Of course, Roman doesn't speak his thoughts since even if Cinder is the lesser of two evils it's simply a 'losing investment' in his words.

~Boom~ The recoil of her new creation that she just used nearly downs the bullhead making Cinder grit her teeth from pulling the joystick with as much strength as she can. Fire and Gravity dust combined has a devastating result and now Glynda lost an arm but doesn't scream in pain instead realizes this is beyond her capabilities and lets the bullhead go.

"SEE! It would have been better if you went out there!" Roman yells at Cinder not mincing any words.

This new creation is called Penetrator MK 16 a beast of a sniper rifle modeled after the one Jim Raynor used in a video game called Starcraft 2 If you can't resist 2000 pounds of pure recoil you shouldn't use it.

Exu had the best prank in mind after showing that she was fine after using MK 16 and encouraged Cinder to try it. Cinder was naturally curious and it never occurred to the young Woman that Exu's strength can topple a small building and she fell for the prank hook line and sinker.

Cinder learned the hard way to not do what Exu tells you to do as she was blasted back from the recoil going through many walls of the castle and had to be magically healed by Salem. Salem in turn tortured Exu but Exu took it all like a champ and never screamed once and only stared at Salem with lifeless eyes filled with mirth which angered Salem to no end!

"Bitch are you out of your damn mind! Why did you use MK 16 for a little Huntress!? Forget it!" Cinder may have shown she was coolheaded when she flew but dying in a Bullhead Crash is not how she wants to go out! After Snow Phantom gave her a lifeless look she said forget it and turned away and sat down in the co-pilot seat as she just doesn't want to feel physical torment on the job.

Cinder used to be afraid of Snow Phantom but now she gets strange satisfaction from how Exu torments her with her Nullification Aura. Cinder became a masochist... And she looks forward to her daily dose of pain and it's the reason why she shows no fear when Exu tortures her now.

Exu also gets satisfaction from Tormenting Cinder and so the pair have many fun nights but it isn't nights of love but simply relieving pent-up frustration. Emerald also joins in but was uncomfortable at first. Emerald made the mistake of hitting Exu one time and was nearly killed but Cinder begged the notorious Snow Phantom to spare her as it was a mistake.

Cinder and Exu are just sex friends, not real friends but that appears to be enough for Cinder since Exu spices things up when all three have 'fun' Exu had thoughts about making Cinder 'hers' but she was too afraid to go for it and so Exu is still lonely and alone.

"Ugh Roman take us outside of Vale! And Exu... Wait where did she go!" Cinder hates it when Exu disappears and this took the cake since they are thousands of feet in the air and she is nowhere to be seen.

Cinder looks outside the window and sees a small dot falling and rolled her eyes at the direction Exu was 'Falling' It was Juniors Club.

Exu performs her own landing strategy which just means shooting at the ground at the last possible second with her MK 16 certainly the MK 16 is meant more for penetrating just about anything but the force of the recoil can't be ignored. If anyone else did this they would have been turned into meat paste.

Exu puts MK 16 on her back against the Magnetic holster meant to carry it and walks inside. The big gun scares the goons but then sees that it's 'just' Snow Phantom and lets it go.

"Vacuo Whiskey on the rocks..." Exu orders one of the strongest drinks in the bar just like usual after her dreams were broken months ago.

"You got it Exu... So still looking like a walking corpse I see." Junior doesn't mince words as he knows Exu respects him and he respects her. they respect each other as a business partner of course.

"Yeah..." As usual, Exu only says that in response to Junior's various ways of saying that she is dead inside. He comes up with a new way to say it each time which is harder than it would seem. Deep down Exu is amused at each different way he says she is dead inside.

She used to make her amusement known but now she only speaks in a monotone voice and shows no emotion whether it be expressed with expressions of her body or eyes and her voice is no longer colorful as usual they all express no emotion. But it doesn't mean she's emotionless just closed off to the extreme.

Exu retired from her career as a singer and started drawing all the Manga she knows of which is much harder than she thought... Who would have thought drawing such simple-looking art was difficult? She is a best-selling Comic artist when she is walking in broad daylight. Her latest great hit with hunters especially the Faunus was Tokyo Ghoul. Such darkness drawn in such a way made them enjoy it.

They deal with a lot of darkness as professional hunters and seeing Darkness turned into a form of entertainment was a great idea. At first, hunters were disgusted that such a person made comics with such darkness when they saw the reviews on the internet but after reading it themselves they fell in love with Tokyo Ghoul. Sure it's dark but a different type of dark. Well, it's called Vale's Ghouls instead since no one even knows wtf Tokyo is hell even Exu didn't know what that is so she changed its name much to Jason's displeasure as a die-hard fan of Tokyo Ghoul.

Exu's father is an avid reader of anything by Lyra Crimson and buys all her works since he knows she is his daughter just under a false identity which at the same time was completely legit. For the few months Sober Qrow the Manga was the only thing that made him feel at least a little close to his daughter and it helped him stop drinking. If Exu knew she still wouldn't hesitate to shoot the poor bastard.

Yang also tried desperately to look for Exu and apologize and even wanted to beg her to come 'home' but no sign of her was found anywhere like she disappeared she even tried finding her when she is out in the 'light' but Exu notices her evades her within mere moments and Yang sometimes saw her retreating back making Yang feel her heart being stabbed.

Just like now... Yang saw her back only for it to vanish around a corner and never appear again.

'I'm a terrible cousin...' Yang kicks an empty can of soda with tears in her eyes that she wipes away quickly since she doesn't want to be seen crying in public.

It never occurred for Yang to look up if it did she would see an Exu that is observing her with lifeless eyes. To Exu she stopped hating them all and is now just indifferent to their attempts at trying to talk to her.

Exu has her own pride and thinks how dare they try to reconcile with me after everything that happened! Dark Exu is also very unreasonable. A person who is unreasonable and Prideful is a dangerous cocktail to anyone be they friend or foe. Dark Exu is also very petty due to her being overly envious of the 'ordinary' people.

~Thwack~ "AH who did that!" Yang looks down and sees a marble and glares at a retreating back that looks different from Exu. Of course, it's a hologram with substance and Yang chases after not seeing a tiny laser from behind her. it's Dark Exu with her usual Petty prank on Yang. Yang stupidly thinks it's a real person who threw a marble at her and stomps her feet in frustration that they escaped.

Hook line and sinker.