More Power Plays and sleeping in class!

"Ozpin! Why are you allowing that Murderer to attend beacon!? Snow Phantom is a danger to the other students! Not to mention she is working with Salem!" Glenda slams her remaining hand on the desk.

"I'm aware... But no... She isn't a danger to the students... I have been monitoring her actions... Besides actions of envy and curiosity, she has done nothing else not to mention that it wouldn't be a very wise move to murder fellow students... And I understand the threat she represents more clearly than you do Glenda... She has gone beyond human limitations... In other words... She is no different than a Maiden who has mastered her powers... You may not understand what kind of power that represents since Salem has a habit of nipping potential threats in the bud before they fully bloom... But I do... She would be a great ally..." Ozpin sips from his coffee cup after giving Glenda some idea of who they are dealing with.

"Or a terrible enemy!" Glenda seethes in rage and slams her fist down on the desk.

"... Take some time off... Beacon will fall... Snow Phantom's mere presence here guarantees that outcome... But I need you at your best when we have to deal with the fallout..." Ozpin motions for her to leave.

"What makes you think she won't go back on her words!" Glenda hates Snow Phantom for taking her arm... Just thinking about Snow Phantom causes her wound to flare up in pain. When someone takes a part of you you either fear them or hate them...

"Snow Phantom... Despite her obvious occupation... Is honorable... She doesn't go back on her words... No... Not honorable... I believe Prideful is a better word for why I can trust her to no longer work with Salem after Beacon Falls... She is too prideful... It would be beneath her to go back on her words..." Ozpin motions for Glenda to leave once again.

'Exusiai... A broken child with too much pride... She who devoured the sins of the Fallen... Your name speaks volumes about your character... You may be able to hide your true personality and emotions quite well but I can see through you plain as day...

Underneath all that cruelty and bloodshed is actually a kind-hearted girl who is angry at the world... I've met countless people like you Exusiai and I believe you can be brought down the right path you just need a few pushes and nudges in the right direction.' Ozpin sips his coffee while thinking about Exu and concocts a scheme to reform the young assassin like a true manipulator.

If he knew she was the hidden leader behind the organization called the Hidden Empire he would get an aneurysm. While the no longer hidden empire is a great cause for concern to him at least the Empire hasn't actually done anything like wage wars it is causing unrest and fear among humanity which attracts the Grimm. He even had a talk with the so-called Emperor and was shocked to find that it was a creature he remembers quite well but that was a very very long time ago.


"Beep boop bop..." Exu types on her computer and just like that a city-sized base will be built in the tundras of Solitus... Exu has been making power plays across the world with her trust fund money from her 'adoptive' mother... She could just buy the world as it is but that would be impossible for various reasons.

So she decided to build city-sized fortresses armed to the teeth with the logo of Hidden Empire all over them. It only allows Faunus people to live in these places and all humans are denied entry or outright killed... Exu is simply doing this for shits and giggles like always by creating chaos... Exu knows this will only cause further discrimination between humans and Faunus but that's half the fun to her.

Sure Exu may be seen as a Saint by the Faunus but to the humans, the Hidden Empire that is no longer hidden is a symbol of fear greater than the White Fang... And it's ruled by a strange-looking bird! How can humans lose to a bird that can barely reach up to your knees!?

Exu of course created the body of the Penguin and inserted the Artificial intelligence... This was also for shits and giggles... And when she is in the shadows watching how Willow Schnee is conversing seriously with a made-up animal she can barely contain her laughter.

Unknown to Exu is that her very soul is influencing her thoughts on a small level which is why she created the made-up bird and it's also why she has a look of uncertainty when looking at her creation.

"Ahhh a job well down... Now time to take a nap while in class..." Exu gets up and takes a shower she sings Everything goes on by Porter Robinson.


"Yes, Yes, Prior to the faunus rights revolution, More popularly known as the faunus war. Human Kind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing the Faunus population in Menagerie.

Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative that these are relatively recent events! Why the repercussions of the uprising can be seen today! Now have any among you been subjugated or discriminated against because of your faunus heritage?

Dreadful, Simply Dreadful! Remember students it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence! I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to the white fang! Now which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war!?"

Weiss raises her hand.


"The battle at fort castle..."

"Precisely! And who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over general Lagune's forces?" Professor Ooblek throws a piece of chalk at Exu.

"Miss Sapphire! Please stop drooling on the desk! Now tell me what advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces!" Oobleck made many of the students laugh at Exu causing her to send a blast of bloodlust at Oobleck.

"I've lived for over 40 years, miss Sapphire! If you think I will flinch from a concentrated blast of bloodlust you are quite mistaken! Now, what is the answer!" Oobleck narrows his gaze at the girl.

"The Faunus are well known for their heightened sense of smell hearing and sense of touch! General Lagune made the mistake of underestimating the power of the Faunus... faunus have near-excellent night vision and their sense of smell was actually the first thing that alerted them! Obviously, Lagune's men didn't take a bath that night!

The third mistake lagune made was marching with a battalion... The footsteps of a thousand soldiers alerted the Faunus who have Bat features or other animal features that help sense things through either Echo Location or the vibrations in the ground... So to the racist pricks in the back... Don't underestimate the Faunus... They have a much better physique than humans... May I go back to sleep, Sir?" Exu yawns.

"Doctor! And no you may not go back to sleep!" oobleck goes back to his lessons while giving inquisitive glances at Exu who just yawns and doodles on her notes.