Betrayal, Half Black half gold and going off the Grid...

"Adam..." Exusiai narrows her gaze at the bull faunus.

"Exu..." The bull faunus glares at the assassin.

"... Team RWBYS is going outside of Vale with the intention of finding the White Fang... They found out my identity so technically it's just team RWBY now..." Exu looks at the old train.

"Do what needs to be done but spare Blake..." Adam walks away.

"..." Exu sighs wondering if this is the right thing to do... Exu wonders if she should go through with it or not.

'...Spare Blake? I would have done that anyway... I don't know what this feeling in my chest is but it's warm and I like it... When I'm around that Cat Faunus it feels like I could do anything and nothing is impossible... Such a strange feeling... It's as if that Cat brightens up my whole world...' Exu smiles dumbly not understanding that what she is feeling is called love.


[To your left... Up top...] Professor Oobleck jumps up to Exu after reading the text on his scroll.

"I don't have much time Doctor so I will get right to the point. The White Fang and Roman Torchwick are working together! Also, they will be using an old rail system with a train full of explosives... They're going to use the bombs to make openings inside Vale... Doctor... They intend to lead Grimm into the city..." Exu decided to do what was right for once.

"Grave news you have brought to my attention Exusiai... If you're telling the truth that is" Oobleck narrows his eyes at Exu.

"I am... Yes, I'm an assassin yes I kill people... But I never harm innocent people intentionally... Sometimes innocents are around at the wrong place at the wrong time... I can't blow my cover Teach... But you can stop this..." Exu uses the Nano-tech to take on the appearance of Sapphire.

"I'll trust you this time Miss Sapphire do have a pleasant night... We will stop that train you have my word" Oobleck walks away.


'I don't feel too good...' Exu collapses face-first into the dirt with a very high fever.

Exu wakes with a gasp only to groan in pain... the first thing she notices is that her Aura is flickering and are currently two different colors... It used to be completely black but now half of it is a golden color. This is an extremely rare occurrence and hasn't happened in centuries... Normally a person's Aura can only ever be one color but when someone goes against their nature their very own reflection... it can turn into a different color.

"Well ain't that interesting..." Torchwick narrows his eyes.

"What's happening to me..." Exu feels very thirsty.

"You're going through a great change that was thought to be nothing more than a myth... Nothing pers- Oh who am I kidding! This is very personal! You had this coming!" Torchwick uses a revolver to shoot Exu through the heart when she is at her weakest.


'I feel cold...' Exu struggles to keep her eyes open.

"Exusiai! No please don't go... Don't go... I promise to be good... I promise... Don't leave..." Yang cries tears of anguish as she feels Exu's body getting colder.

"Mrs Xiao-Long please move so I may provide Field Surgery! If you want her to live then you will move!" Oobleck harshly pushes Yang out of the way and gets a med-Kit out.

"Young Sapphire no... Young Exusiai continue to fight! You will only survive if you have the will to live! Don't give up no matter what! Keep hanging on!" Exusiai is quite lucky that one of Oobleck's doctorates makes him a qualified surgeon!

"No... You promised me... You said you'd stop the..." Exu falls unconscious.

"Stop what? What is she talking about!?" Yang's fear is making her too stressed.

"She came to me a couple of days ago about how The White Fang and Torchwick are planning on using bombs to make entrances so that Grimm can enter the city... Now please go stop the train and let me focus on saving a life!" Oobleck glares at the teens.

"WE ARE LEAVING NOW GET ON THE TRAIN OR GET LEFT BEHIND!" Torchwick's voice is heard over the comms.


"Oobleck! Oh... Oh no... no no no no NO!" Qrow lands at Exu's side.

"Do you know her blood type!?" Oobleck continues removing bullet fragments.

"Yes! It's A-positive same as me! Here take my blood!" Qrow rolls up his sleeve so that Oobleck can give Exu a blood transfusion.

"...You bastard... If I survive I'm going to shoot you..." Exu falls back into a state of unconsciousness.

"... That's a problem for future me... Current me needs to save the life of my only daughter" Qrow lovingly strokes Exu's head making the girl scowl clearly aware of who is doing it despite being unconscious.

'Damn, bastard! Pretending to be a damn bird! Lying piece of shit! The bastard has been stalking me! I ain't your daughter you lying son of a bitch!' Exu roars in her mind.


Exusiai wakes up in the hospital and carefully takes the IV out before slowly moving toward the door only for it to open. She rushes with speed that shouldn't be possible for someone who has lost so much blood and grabs the nurse by the neck pulling her into a closet.

"Take me to my effects or die... No funny business..." Exu's fingers have Aura on them that acts like blades and are aimed at the nurse's neck.

"Okay... Just don't hurt me please..." The nurse has tears in her eyes.


Exu is finally dressed in her blood-stained clothes and points her sword at the Nurse...

"Sorry... But no witnesses..." Exu cuts the nurse's throat and limps away.


'I need to figure out what to do now...' Exu lays on the couch in her hideout in Vale and moans in pain.

"... Alright no more moving..." Exu gasps and finally stops moving.

'I have several hideouts in Vale... No one can find me... however, one safe-house is compromised since that deceitful bird snuck in! But was he really deceitful? I'm confused... What do I do?' Exu lets the sleepiness take her so she can rest.