[Murderer! Monster! Butcher! psychopath! Sociopath!] Exu's dreams have not been pleasant... She keeps seeing the faces of everyone she killed and being called these things repeatedly.
Exu walks over to the bathroom, looks at her reflection in the mirror growls, motions to punch it only to powerlessly let it all go, and proceeds to brush her teeth, which she hasn't done in weeks.
'Where do I go from here?' Exu undresses and turns the shower on after half an hour she dries herself off and dresses herself then plops onto the couch to watch some Anime.
Exu opens her scroll and sees lots of missed calls and texts...
: Exusiai where are you?:
: Please call me... I'm sorry for everything!:
: I made a pumpkin Pie... I figured I'd save it for you...:
'I hate pumpkins, Yang Well you didn't know that...' Exu reads all of Yang's texts and looks at the clock.
'I'm not ready yet... Blake... Yeah... Blake sounds like a good start...' Exu decides to text Blake and ignore the texts from Yang.
"She should be in class right now... I'll wait... I'll just leave a text for now" Exu presses the play button and continues watching Overlord season 2 after sending a very awkward text that makes Ruby look like the one that isn't socially awkward.
Blake hears a blip on her scroll and sees a text from Exusiai bringing tears to her eyes she wipes them and focuses back on her class feeling much better and more hopeful. She couldn't help but chuckle a little about saying she hates pumpkins and Yang should be ashamed she ever made a pumpkin pie.
/// Weeks later...
A new Album called Filthy came out from Exu's band and the number one song from the album is Bad Girlfriend which belonged to the rock band Theory of a Deadman but now in the RWBY universe, it belongs to the band Darker than Black.
"..." Team RWBY all have wide eyes as they listen to Bad Girlfriend and Ruby's jaw is dropped at how dirty it is. The next song they listen to is called S.E.X. and Ruby uses her semblance to run away.
The album keeps playing music like Animals, Figured you out by Nickelback, Addicted by Saving Abel, PornStar Dancing by my darkest days, Rumors by Neffex, and many other dirty songs from Earth that are now part of the Album by Darker than Black.
"... I'm going to Marry your cousin..." Blake says this with a straight face when looking at Yang.
"..." Yang turns her head to Blake and proceeds to pass out.
/// Elsewhere in Atlas...
~Intense coughing~ "Exusiai... You're going to give this old man a heart attack one of these days..." Qrow plops onto a bed at an Inn.
Exu invites Blake over to her mansion and they have a nice dinner... but Exu invites Blake to her room and that's when... Exu pushed Blake onto her bed.
Exu takes her shirt and bra off and grabs Blake's hand so that she can feel her breasts "Make me forget... make me forget everything... I don't want to remember anymore..." Exu kisses Blake and plays with the kitty's tongue.
'What? ... I wanted this so bad... But no... This isn't what she needs right now! It would be wrong to take advantage of her when she's this vulnerable!' Blake pushes Exu away.
"Am I not good enough? Am I not attractive enough? Or is it because I'm sullied goods?" Exu has tears threatening to fall down her face.
"No that's not it! But... I can't take advantage of you... I've dreamed about doing this with you but... I will not do this with you with the state you are in!" Blake gets up from the bed and walks away until she leaves the Mansion.
'...' Exu falls onto her bed and weeps.
It's been months and Exu has stayed cooped up in her Mansion never leaving it and just watches Anime or the news channel.
"I am a Lonely God... I'm so much more powerful than anyone except that monster... My home feels cold when it's just me here even though the AC isn't on..." Exu sighs and goes to sleep on the couch after sliding all the booze bottles and cans off the comfy couch.
The next day Exu turns on the news and sees that the Vytal festival is now here and the tournament is going on. She finally decides to get out of the cold home and dresses up as Lyra Crimson drives her sports car to the Bullhead landing and take-off zone and parks the car.
"Colosseum please..." Lyra/Exu gives some Lien to the employee who asks for her Autograph and she unbuttons his suit and writes her name on his white shirt. He gives a guy squeal buttons his suit back up and goes back to handing out tickets.
Lyra/Exu is escorted to the VIP room reserved for the wealthy so that she has a better view of the tournament.
'Team RWBYS or well RWBY are doing terribly... It feels like I'm watching children fighting...' Lyra has a bored look making the Hunter tasked with guarding her in the VIP room have twitching lips.
'Either she is an amazing combatant who can give a Hunter or Huntress a run for his/her money or she just finds fights boring... It's most likely just boredom' The Hunter gives a wry smile not at all thinking a wealthy Heiress and Singer is a powerful combatant.
"Boring..." Lyra/Exu goes up to the window and the Hunter stays by her side ready for anything to guard his current charge.
'Well, that confirms it... She isn't a fighter and just finds the whole thing boring' The Hunter gives a hidden small awkward smile.
"And that's the match! Team RWBY is victorious!" Port says through the microphone.
'Disgusting... How can anyone call that a fight? It's just child's play. A real fight draws blood and ends with someone's death... This is just a farce' Exu sees team RWBY looking at the stands and then the team zeroes in on her and Yang has trembling lips.
Lyra/Exu walks back to her seat so that team RWBY can no longer see her.
To Be Continued...