Love is real right?

So are you actually going to lunch with that guy(said Sabi). Yeah, it's gonna be great(said Lyn). Alright if you think so(said Sabi). *Tom calls*. LYN YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH JON(said Tom). It's not a date, we're just catching up(said Lyn). Then I can come right(said Tom). No Tom, Jon will freak(said Lyn). Who cares what he thinks(said Tom). I'm trying to catch up not drift off(said Lyn). Fine but tell me everything(said Tom). At the restaurant, Hey Lyn(said Jonny). Hey Jon(said Lyn). Why don't you call me Jonny anymore(said Jonny). Cause it's a bit childish(said Lyn). Oh alright, so where do you work at(said Jonny). I work alone, sometimes I get offers from animation organizations(said Lyn). Oh alright, how's your mom and dad(said Jonny). Good, and your mom(said Lyn). She's doing good, she's in recovery(said Jonny). For what(said Lyn). She has cancer(said Jonny). No way, I'm sorry you must be hurting(said Lyn). Does she not remember yesterday(Jonny thought). Um I'm sorry for whatever I did yesterday(said Lyn). It's alright I deserved it(said Jonny). What did I do exactly(said Lyn). Uh can't tell you, whatever is said when drunk isn't said(said Jonny). Is that a rule or something(said Lyn). The others won't tell me what happened(said Lyn). Maybe they were drunk too or it's too embarrassing(said Jonny). It's probably the second one(said Lyn). Well uh I overstayed my time, bye Jon....ny(said Lyn).(Jonny smiles). Bye Lynny(said Jonny). *Sabi calls*. So how was it(said Sabi). Good, his mom has cancer(said Lyn). Damnnnnnnn, no wonder he doesn't sleep(said Sabi). He doesn't(said Lyn). You don't see those big ol' bags under his eyes, they enough to carry watermelons(said Sabi).(Lyn laughs). Well sleep well babes(said Sabi). Bye Sabi(said Lyn). *Tom calls*. Hello Tom, we didn't kiss or hug or do anything romantic(said Lyn). Good, night Lyn(said Tom). Night Tommy(said Lyn). Oh hey Laila, I know you're staying for the night just please don't finish my food(said Lyn). Okay Lyn(said Laila). *Lyn calls on the home phone*. Jonny you can't tell Lyn about us(said Laila). *Lyn pick up the other home phone and hears their conversation*. I can't do that you're here friend you need to tell her(said Jonny). I will, someday(said Laila whispering the last part). Should I confront her, no I'll wait like a month see if she tells me(Lyn thought). *Lyn calls Sabi*. (she doesn't pick). Damn it(said Lyn). *She texts Sabi*. Sabi I found out who Jonny cheated on me with, it was Laila(Lyn texts). 3 hours later, WIAT WHAT, I KNEW SHE WAS BAD NEWS(Sabi texts). Yeah I'm not gonna confront her about it yet, I'll wait a month to see if they both confess(Lyn texts). But why would Jon do that, especially with your bff(Sabi texts). Ikr(Lyn texts). He can go f him self(Lyn texts). Fo sure(Sabi texts). *Her phone dings*. Hey Lyn, we need to talk(Jon texts). Sure.....(Lyn texts). Yo he wants to talk, I think it's about the thing(Lyn texts). Yeah same(Sabi texts). *She hears a knock*. Oh hey Jon come in(said Lyn). Look(said Jonny). Laila's here so be quiet(said Lyn). Wait she's here, let's go to the café(said Jonny). Sure(said Lyn). At the café, So uh order anything(said Jonny). Sorry I need to sleep so no coffee for me, what did you wanna say(said Lyn). Laila was the one(said Jonny). Was the one that what(said Lyn). Is this really happening(Lyn thought). I cheated on you with Laila and she was all in(said Jonny). Yeah I know I heard y'all call(said Lyn). Oh, I'm sorry(said Jonny). Laila did it again, look I don't need sorry from people I just want changes, don't tell Laila I know, do this one thing right(said Lyn). Alright, I'm really sorry(said Jonny). Bye(said Lyn). At Lyn's house, *She texts Sabi*. He told me(Lyn texts). Great, at least he's honest(Sabi texts). Sure, honest enough to cheat(Lyn texts). Lol😂(Sabi texts). Night Sabi(Lyn texts). Night Lyn, forget abt them(Sabi texts). At Lyn's studio, *Phone rings*. Hello(said Lyn). Hello Ms. Brown, we have a job for you at the Marvel HQ(said Secretary). Alright I'll be there in 20(said Lyn). Yes ma'am(said Secretary). At Marvel HQ, Hey Ms. Brown welcome, this is your assistant, you can ask him for anything(said Mrs. Tavor). Alright thank you ma'am(said Lyn). Hi Ms. Brown, I'm Dave(said Dave). Hello Dave, how old are you(said Lyn). I'm 17(said Dave). Alright you can call me Lyn then(said Lyn). Alright Ms. Brown, I mean Lyn(said Dave). Alright give me all the deets on the series(said Lyn). Alright it's a series on the Avengers and their life as parents of supers(said Dave). Great I'll have the 3D print of it and drawing in about 5 hours(said Lyn). That's quick most people take 10 hours or more(said Dave). Really, I work overnight and fast(said Lyn). Oh, don't overwork yourself ma'am(said Dave). 2 hours later, Ma'am I have coffee for you(said Dave). Thanks Dave leave it where the rest are(said Dave as he looked a the pile of coffee cups). 3 hours later, I'm done(said Lyn). *sigh*. I'll let him sleep(Lyn thought). Mrs. Tavor, I'm done(said Lyn). Alright Lyn you can clock out and come back in tomorrow(said Mrs. Tavor). At home, Should I confront Laila now(Lyn thought). LAILA, COME IN PLEASE(said Lyn). Yo what(said Laila). We need to talk(said Lyn). What(said Laila).