Good news first..

Okay, tell us the good news first(said Niyah). Good news, she doesn't have cancer(said Steph). Ok that's good(Niyah said relieved). W-what's the bad news(Lyn said). We checked everyone for sickness.. Lynda.. Lyn is your mom(said Steph). W-what(said Lynda as she sat down). Lynda.. I'm so sorry, I didn't know(said Lyn). My dad.. he told me my mom was dead.. I thought my mom died and she's here right now(Lynda thought in her head). Guys let's just get a good night rest, we'll deal with this tomorrow(Kwamie said). At the balcony, Hey...(said Lynda). Hello, Lynda..(said Lyn). I-(they said at the same time). You first(said Lyn). I should've known, your names Lyn I'm Lynda(said Lynda). Lyn chuckles. This doesn't have to change anything, you can choose to forget this and we can go our separate ways or we could... get to know each other(said Lyn). There's a silence in the air. I want to get to know you, I've always wanted a mom..(Lynda said). They share a hug. Awww so cute, wrap it up guys we have a mission(Sabi says). My bad(said Lyn).