7. The Phoenix Saga Part 1

Lee addressed the Villagers. Saying he was wrong for foolishly turning his back on his Father. 

"I only viewed the Village sentiments as Superstitions and stupid rather than understanding why. 

I joined hands and worked with the Industry only for monetary benefits just like the rest of the Villagers. 

But I missed one critical detail. 

I forgot to ask Why. 

Why did they need our lands ?

The good for nothing Barren lands. 

What gain do they have in capturing these lands, which are situated in the feets of an Active volcano. 

Me, just like the rest of the Villagers, looked at the Industry like innocent scapegoats we could use to sell off everything and leave.

But it was too late to realize we were the ones who were made a fool of !"

*He opened a file he had in his hand, showing the Industry Representatives in a Stone Quarry nearby* 

*They were signing a contract, with the following pictures showing trucks hauling stones and boulders and carrying them to the mountains. Dumping them there*

"They were artificially trying to make the Volcano blow up for reasons unknown"

Lee continued

"It's been happening for over 10 Years. Building up to this Day"

The people gasped in shock as they looked at each other's faces, murmuring.

Asking questions as to why they would do it if they were planning to buy their lands.

Which are now covered in Volcanic ash. 

Leo said he had no answers for now, but said he'll move to court to see if they can get compensation and shut down the Industry for its unethical and careless Approach towards the environment and their village

The People liked the Idea, following Leo to gather more evidence for it. 

Albert's code of silence continued the next day, as he only talked to Akamu and his daughter in law Sharon. 

The Village lodged a Case which was soon dismissed in the Court. Saying the Industry wasn't trying to forcefully buy their land and it was the people who were willing to give it up.

The Industry further played recordings of people asking the Village to assess their land and name a price for it. 

The Industry had won. Which continued its operations in the nearby town. 

After the case, Its popularity had been spread far and wide, hailed as the Samaritans who would help farmers in need. 

*This led to the Industry taking over the lands and beginning cultivation themselves, employing the ones who sold there. 

On paper it seemed like a good deal. But after the farmers sold their barren lands, it became fertile. 

The villagers were cultivating and watching the crops grow, with a heavy burden in their hearts knowing it wasn't theirs anymore. 

Only as salaried employees working in their own lands*

As for Akamu's Village, The Volcano was deemed to be active, with occasional small to medium eruptions happening over the years.

The people moved out from the Village for occupation in a nearby town. 

Doing odd jobs to some becoming bandits and mercenaries. 

Some secretly employed themselves in the Industry Farms. Which was growing in popularity.

Akamu was growing up in the nearby Village of Mellow Sides. Along with his Gramps and his parents.

Akamu was always attracted towards the Fields located at the foot of Keahi Volcano. He was observing the breeze and the land. Looking around. The Ash covered lands like snow that never melts or fades.

His Grandfather had told him about the story of how he was born, with the words "The Volcano stopped erupting when u cried" ringing through his ears. 

He wanted to visit the Volcano, but he was far too young and wasn't allowed to go near it. 

Akamu waited for the day he could visit it.

And that's when Tragedy struck his family. Akamu got diagnosed with Cancer developing on his Brain when he was 5. 

It was discovered during a routine medical check of the Medics after the Eruption. To see if they had developed any illness from being stuck by the Volcanic Ash.

It was heart shattering. Sharon broke down hearing the news. 

Leo tried staying strong. It was at the starting stages. But even his hope was shattered when he heard About the cost for therapy. 

Everything seemed grim. Leo had a talk with Albert to sell the Farm.

The money was needed. 

But Albert, with a heavy heart.


Much to the shock of Sharon and Lee.



Lee grabbed the Collar of Albert's Shirt in rage

"It's… It's not mine to sell"

"Then whose land is it? Please tell me"

Sharon asked Albert, trying to pull Lee away.


Albert paused, looking at Lee and Sharon, not sure of the response he was going to give. 

"It's the Keahi Volcano's land"

Albert's response Triggered Lee, who tried pouncing on Albert before the Doctors pulled him away. 

Sharon stood silently hearing the response. She knew Albert would say it. 

She understood the mental turmoil he was going through. 

It was a battle between upholding the cultural values vs human life. 

An unwinnable battle. 

The commotion outside woke up the surrounding rooms, bring out the patients as they looked what was happening.

Akamu walked outside the room as it all happened, going to his Grandpa.

He was tired, rubbing his eyes as he held his arms out.

He wanted a hug from him. Nothing else. 

He saw his Grandpa sad, going to comfort him.

That moment made everyone break into tears. 

Albert knelt down as he took his precious grandchild in his arms, breaking down in tears as he held him. 

Leo didn't want anymore trouble, immediately going on a job hunt. 

Sharon was asked to stay by Akamu and care for him. 

The news soon reached the Village. The people justifying it saying it was a justified punishment for Albert.

Their children didn't have a home anymore, living like a Nomad like them. 

They began avoiding visiting Albert's home. Saying the disease might spread to them.

Akamu wasn't allowed inside the Village either.

Even if he was, it was to be trolled for his lean and bald appearance.

He lived alone, with the treatment looming before him. 

There were times Akamu cried alone, wiping off his tears when he got home. Not showing anything.

The loneliness and the reason why he was being avoided not making any sense to him.

The only motivation he had was his father's hardwork to save him, his mother's love, his grandpa and the stories he told about his Birth.

He wanted to see the Volcano and ask why it ceased erupting when he cried. 

Akamu was taken to the city for treatment, staying in the hospital for treatment. 

Gamma therapy was suggested to remove the cells to prevent any complications in the future. 

The Family agreed, with Lee working Day and Night, getting loans from his Friends and co-workers with a promise to repay it as soon as possible.

The Treatment began. And as time progressed, Akamu was showing some changes. 

But he wasn't the only one who did.

His mom wasn't wearing any jewellery. Or new clothes.

His father was always covered in dirt and sweat, sometimes wearing the same clothes he wore during the last visit.

Albert was slowly changing as well. Seeing how his family was suffering.

He had taken some loans using his Goodwill from past years as a Landowner and farmer.

He gave it for Akamu's treatment and medicines.

He made sure the funds were always there when needed.

The visits became increasingly distant. With days becoming weeks and soon to months.

As a year passed, Albert came back to visit Akamu.

This time Wearing an eyepatch on his left eye, handing over the cash to Sharon.

Akamu was too young to understand what had happened, but Sharon and Lee weren't. 

Sharon saw how much sacrifice Albert was making for Akamu

But all Lee could see was an Delusional old man who sees the Volcano as a God and is trying everything to protect it and the surrounding land.