20 Do I have a home to return to ?

During the 4 years that passed, Akamu's days never went by without thinking about Alice.

He was preparing himself to uphold his promise to her. Becoming her Goku. Maybe that's why he began learning about Farming.

The City had so much developments. Farming equipments much bigger than the ones seen in his Village. Machines harvesting crops.

He was fascinated by all these, coupled with Goku's life as a Radish Farmer. Goku was capable of carrying the Tractor on his own.

His Village however doesn't allow farming equipments. In respect for the village traditions. But that itself was limiting their productivity.

Akamu began thinking how. Training everyday following Goku's footsteps.

His basic chores becoming his training.

Cleaning his whole house by himself, lifting the smaller wooden tables for grip and strength training.

His family didn't have money to send him for proper training. But as the popular saying goes

'With Scarcity Comes Ingenuity'

And as he learnt more about the machines, he began training by mimicking their working.

Dragging a small car Tyre with a rope attached to his back.

His Grandpa hammered down wooden sticks on the ground, letting him take it off the ground as fast as possible.

The training went on for 4 years. Akamu slowly showing signs of improvement.

The Car Tyre became a Truck tyre. The Wooden sticks becoming Iron balls.

Akamu was trying to lift his neighbours car off the ground after every days training. A hope of one day it responding to his strength and will.

Unfortunately that would remain a dream.

Lee's new coworker in the Warehouse was from Mallow Village, informing him about the Village and the Eruption.

The Eruption covered the land with a blanket of Ash for miles. Destroying anything and everything in its path.

Many relocated, many disappeared. Many had given hope and tried to get buried in their lands during the Eruption.

Standing there, waiting to be engulfed by flames and smokes, becoming one with the land.

They did it out of spite for Albert. To show how his decisions had left them without a Choice.

Having an Asset they could use to better their lives. But getting stopped by Albert's stubbornness.

To the People, it was like watching money scattered all around them but unable to pick it up.

That made them take that Harsh decision.

If he eventually comes there, he'll be facing a field that was growing human flesh and bones. The Waterways along the land carrying blood like water, Making the soil Red that was bearing the fruits of guilt and suffering only for one man to reap.

Thankfully the Mallow Village people reached them. But they couldn't rescue the people from all the growing hate they harboured for Albert.

Lee came back home carrying that saddening news. Albert's heart sank hearing it.

Akamu however, was the most devastated person after hearing the news.

He was saddened hearing the people's growing hatred. But something was even more saddening for him.

The Promise to Alice flashing before his eyes. The days he spent sleeping on the feet of Keahi Mountain.

Stargazing, telling his dreams to his friend. Who now finally slumbers.

A Village that's finally resting.

Keahi had taken back what was given by him.

Along with it Akamu's dreams and his Alice.

His dreams of remaking his Village using his own strength came crashing down.

Albert wanted to go back to the Village one last time. Even him giving up hope that the Village could be rebuilt again.

Akamu slowly realized he was going to have No home to return to anymore.

No one was waiting for him.

Nothing to look forward to for the next summer vacation.

No one left to prove wrong

He was like a Nomad. Like his ancestors. The Cycle had begun again.

This time it was Akamu's turn.