27. Lawsuit

Shortly after the Judgement on Albert had passed, The Village hoped for peace and order to return.

Lee and Sharon kept their silence on the matter. It was the Elders order. Even Albert wasn't able to voice his displeasure.

The Danger of losing their home and banished from the Village was too much of a risk.

Especially when even Mallow Village won't help them settle there.

The City wasn't an option anymore. The Loansharks weren't ready to let Akamu go without paying for all the cash owed by his grandfather.

The only peace they could find was staying together as a family. Watching over Akamu as he worked.

Lee got a job in the Farms so he could Assist Akamu.

Sharon was taking care of the Villages reconstruction. Since she was the most educated one in the Village.

Albert didn't have much to do. And as much as he wanted to help out Akamu, his age wouldn't let him.

All he could do is think about the misfortune that fell on him and the family all these years.

Questioning his own faith after so many years.

Akamu was training to be a farmer, spending all day in his Grandfathers farm.

It was hard on him at first. Learning about the Weather and it's relation with crop planting and harvesting.

The tools used in agriculture.

It was all manual labour.

Akamu began his work early in the morning and ended it late at night. Sometimes staying watch in the fields to monitor any wild animal movement.

He used the time to study, learning more about farming done in cities. Improving his knowledge and trying to help the Village and his family.


The Food Samaritans reputation had taken a hit after news about their ousting from Whispering Heights Village.

People began theorizing about how they were trying to take their lands by force. Giving wake to a new wave of opposition.

Their stock prices were slowly taking a hit. People beginning to panic sell their stocks.

The new controversy was something that could bring Food Samaritan down if more villages started doing this.

But the Directors of Food Samaritan wasn't worried about it. They let it happen.

This silence was beginning to worry the Investors, asking them for a Answer.

The Investors called for a Meeting with the Board.

A meeting was arranged, with around Hundreds of Major Share Holders attending it.

The Board of Directors came to do the briefing and address their grievances.

The Investors questioned them about the Boards silence on the brewing controversy and the damage control about it.

Funding thousands of Lands in different states of the Country was a huge risk and cost for them

But the rewards they got back were huge. With profits at an all time high.

But this controversy was threatening to give rise to sense of opposition from all sides.

The Board meanwhile, wasn't very stressed about the whole ordeal.

They instead played the Investors a Video clip of the Officials getting assaulted in the Riots at Whispering Heights.

The Officials were not fighting back, or the cameraman didn't focus on the moment that caused the whole riot.

It only showed the Officials getting hit by rocks and sticks by the Village.

Their Vehicles getting destroyed.

They began their briefing, saying it was all Orchestrated by One Man.


The Elder of Whispering Heights.

Their proof to back that claim was a case from 13 years ago.

Whispering Heights first case against Food Samaritan.

The Investors asked how a case lodged against them would help prove their innocence.

The Board simply replied the past associated with the case will help them.

They explained how Lee was opposing his fathers decision to not sell the lands, supporting the Food Samaritan.

And how the Village was deserted and no development measures were taken because of Albert's decision to not give up the lands, even after the Eruption.

The letters and contracts offered for the lands after the Eruption was added as additional proof.

And all this was leading to a wild accusation.

Albert staging the whole act that led to the Riots.

Pretending to sell the lands while getting the whole Village together.

Then using his Grandson as a pawn to turn the Villagers to his side.

They labelled Albert as a master manipulator.

The Investors called for Legal Action, with every proof pointing towards one man holding back a Whole Village's development.

This was exactly what the board needed, with all the Investors by their side, they sent officials to the Village with the Lawsuit.