I have seen misery in the world, when the Covid pandemic struck in 2020, but was glad I was privileged to be part of the Montfort royal lineage to help out by building, creating a sustainable earth. Trees were planted and rainforests protected or preserved. The ice melting in the north and south poles were limited by lessening the use of carbon based products, fossil fuels and toxins that hurt our atmosphere, nature and seas including animal raising, farming and coal mining. Corruption among leaders and presidents were minimized by sentencing the guilty to imprisonment and render social or community service for certain years until they prove to authorities that they changed and met the requirements of being "good".

I, Victory, proved to the world that we can reform and transform a community of hateful, greedy, selfish people to a loving, diversely unified and generous generation. I couldn't imagine the billions of money wasted because of the few rich, influential officials in our governments in the world. Not only in Asian countries but even in the western part of the globe.

I have seen and witnessed the poor children, mothers and families crying, suffering, pleading, for food, personal welfare and housing. Yet, some of our impotent leaders have neglected them and fed them with left overs and monies from scratch instead of the millions they horded and robbed to save to their own personal accounts and selves. Ugly, unfair and unjust. Where is the justice? Where is fair distribution of wealth and privilege in the governments? That's why REVO was created to bring out justice, fair distribution of wealth and food, and aid the poor, underprivileged and uneducated. There were other heads or leaders of REVO that upheld the truth and justice in the world until my reign came and I did what I am asked and destined to do. And I have done well in my time. Nit it's my granddaughter's time.

Her era is a beautiful one. Covid is just a bad nightmare now and the world has evolved to become more strong, beautiful and healthy. Garbage has been disposed of well and the geniuses of this generation found ways to convert it to useful products and equipment. I am happy that countries have united together to join in forces in helping build a more sustainable earth. A greener and breathable world for the future and our children of tomorrow.

Ahh!, I can't sleep, maybe I'm really excited to meet my grandchild!, Victory said to herself while lying in the bed. I'm hungry, I think I saw a pantry downstairs, I better check it out and eat. My stomach is really growling at the moment, she thought getting out of bed and searching for the lights, she turned it on and opened her door and went down the stair to head for the kitchen.

Victory can't see clearly since it's pretty dark in the kitchen. But she saw a little flicker of light from afar, the fridge is opening and closing. Somebody's in there. Good, Victory thought and headed straight to the kitchen. Hi!?, Victory cried.

Oh, ah, hi!??, a woman said with all the crumbs on her mouth, still munching the piece of bread from her hand, after getting it out from the fridge. Ah, oh, you're new here, I am too, I'm Alex.

Aha, Alex, so, you are the One?, Victory said amazed. Since it's her first time to meet her grandchild, she looked at her from head to foot then turned around to take a good look at how tall she is, her frame and her beauty. Hmm, not bad for a granddaughter, but manners, perse, we can work on the manners!. But all in all, you're perfect, Victory added while moving in closer to check on Alex's hair and neck. Ahhh!, wait a minute! And who are you doing this things and what about my manners?, Alex replied taking the crumbs out of her lips and didn't bother washing her hand after.

\Ah, that's what I meant by manners, but anyway, I haven't introduced myself. I am your grandmother, Victory, Queen of Tunisia, Former leader of REVO. And yes I came from the past. And yes, I am very old. And yes, I came here to meet you and came in through time travel, Victory explained when Alex have tried to ask the questions Victory already knew she would be asking. Okay, then, nice to meet you grandma. What a better way to have a family reunion, if only my two moms are here for that event!, Alex replied smiling then when she mentioned her parents she felt sad and alone.

Don't worry honey, I'm sure they are proud of you. Plus, they couldn't come in the real world even if they wanted to just to see you, since in the other side of death is an unending road that you and I won't be able to live to see or travel to unless we are already dead or souls. So, tomorrow, we will have a talk and I want to meet your wife or so, since I was advised about that before I entered the time warp. I'll see you tomorrow my darling, and can you hand me some of that bread please and that milk carton too. I will consume those in my room, thank you!, Victory asked while Alex gave her the bread and milk, then went out of the kitchen. Consume???, that's a heavy word. Consume or consummate huh, what the f*ck?!, Grandma rocks! Haha!, Alex said laughing to herself, proud to meet her grandma, the queen.

Alex was so happy to meet her grandmother from the past. Though she was delighted to see the supposedly old lady but by the looks of her she hasn't aged a bit, and even has the exact resemblance of her and her mom Marnie. Wait!, am I just dreaming there or not?, Alex thought to herself while pinching her arm to wake her up. But she knows she is awake as an owl and Kat is already asleep in their bed when she came back. She also washed her hands with soap and warm water. She felt she needed to relax so she filled the tub with warm water and liquid soap where the bubbles began flowing when the water from the faucet poured down gently.

I took my robe off and slid myself on the sweet smelling tub. I poured vanilla and cinnamon scents to make me calmer and relaxed. Seeing my grandmother from the past surely isn't what I expected but her strict aura is not that appealing for me. Anyway, she is indeed a relative and having her here at the centre is better than appearing in my hometown. People would be asking who she is and it would hard to tell them the truth. And if I did that, they would think I'm lying because grand ma doesn't look like in her 60's but more like in her 20's-30's. She really is beautiful and charming. She has that flare and glare that whenever she looks you in the eye, you get pulled to her like a magnet and feel intoxicated by her presence, it's so sexy.

Grand ma Victory is so hot, that's the easiest way to explain how she captivated me and I know the people in her time, much more the men or the women she maybe had relations with. Wow!, what I only said after showering from the 30 minute stay in the tub. I need to sleep now since grandma will be talking with me tomorrow.

Would that be some sort of a meeting or just a met and greet thing? Anyway, I'm glad grandma is here to help me out on my preparation as the appointed REVO Leader. I'm so happy to see her and I wish I could've hugged her first and kissed her cheek. it's like I'm kissing my parents since she is a blood relative. Sleep, Alex, sleep!, my God, why can't I sleep?. Maybe I'm just excited to talk with her, yup, I'm sure that's it, I told myself while my body tossed and turned which caused for Kat to wake up and asked what's wrong with me and why I'm still awake in the middle of the night. Yes, babe, I met my grandma Victory earlier tonight.

What?, are you kidding me?, Kat replied not believing my story and she sat beside me and hugged me tight. Baby, maybe, you're just dreaming!, Come on, let's get back to sleep…or, maybe you want us to rub each other's bodies and ….hihihi!!!, Kat whispered in my ear and my ear went warm and hot flushes rose from my privates to my face from libido being fuelled by my wife's sexy night gown and her whispers that is catching me on fire at the moment.

Okay, then, let's start rubbing each other's bodies and have a wonderful sex now…hehehee! I love you!, I added and kissed her mouth like a devouring lion. Kat exchanged the kisses and hugged me tight, holding my back and caressing it. She slid her hands inside my shirt and pulled me closer to her chest. I was already touching her bosoms while exploring her mouth with my tongue.