S oul E nergy e X change

Sex is not just saliva, energy exchange but also a soul or a person's inner being shared to his/her partner or love. When we make love, we are sharing a part of our self if not our total self to the one we love and that's the beauty of it all. It is not just some kind of game or a sport but a union of two in-love people or a couple who wanted their relationship move up to the next level of commitment. With the pleasure, ecstacy comes the knowledge of our partner's inner secrets, hurts or fantacies when we engage in the act. We will know how our love reacts to pleasure or how weird he/she takes the pain, the romance and pleasure as well as we do in the sexual process. We can't separate body heat, touches, kisses, feels and moans since overwhelming pleasure is the best part in lovemaking which we call the climax. We please and satisfy our partner when we make them cum, shout, moan or groan in ecstacy. Well, exchanging energy, kisses, hugs, touches and sexual energy with each other is what makes a couple's relationship stronger, happier, more intimate and well bonded. Talking about a sticky situation, hehe!. We stay committed or faithful to our partner more when we feel secure, loved, desired and cherished by him/her. We need to make sure our partner knows that we are sincere and we aren't played or treated as tropy gf/bf but a lover, best friend, soul mate and/or partner in life. And sex is one way of sealing the union. Letting us and our partner know that he/she is ours and we are are for them. It bears more weight with matrimony when a couple is serious in keeping their vows to each other and are willing to stay together forever. Sex then is to seal the union of the couple's promise of marriage. Procreation is for the couple to bear children for future generations to come, so on and so forth.

That was the basic idea of sex and the part it plays for couples. But it isn't always what the world see sex is. There are individulas who are vain or carnal that they engage in sex with random people or even a one night stand such as in bars, restaurants or do it orally through online dating/social media apps. It is disrespectful and uncivilized. However, it is our nature to want or love sex, but it should be done in proper places, situations and to the person we like, love or we are prepared to be with always. Sex isn't something that we do and don't do then if we thought of running away from the girl we got pregnant, it's just okay, since we can get away with it, it's okay. That boys or men are players and can have multiple wives but girls or women can't. I don't condone women to be playgirls or sex every man she sees online or on the street. It's just that if men are given same freedom and not held accountable for their actions, then we women should be given the same treatment as them. It's always one-sided especially in rapes, sexual harassments and all. Women can be tagged as a whore, wearing skimpy or sexy clothes so men could harass them and call them names. But when men hurt us women because of another girl it's okay since he will still be considered a handsome fellow loved by the girls. Yet if we women caught with another man other than our partner, we are considered as slut or flirty. Well, I just gave you a whole picture of why sex isn't a joke. Men and women are alike. We both get hurt, get harassed and get bashed. But we should always think that a man and a woman have freedom to do what they want and be who they want to be whether it's gender, religious, class or political related difference, issue or view. We are all and the same, though only with different private parts, we feel, heal and grow. We are all energy and may we use this energy to good and for the good of others. Sex, just like each other, is a gift and we shouldn't waste the opportunity to do it with the one we truly love. Life is too short to waste our energy. Live to our fullest and have sex, make love and be merry with our love, gf/bf, wife/husband and bestfriend/soul mate all day, all night, always. Mwah!