Are we there yet

"How much longer, human," the parasite said boringly.

"A few more days until we make it to the post," said Creed shaking his head in disbelief of his new life.

"So what is the post that you speak of human?"

"The post was my laboratory long, long before the Heavens fell. It is stationed in New York by the way."

"Ahh, I see a town in the distance. We should be able to get something to eat and a place to sleep tonight. But, unfortunately, the way ahead is long and gruesome," Creed excitingly states.

Eventually, they made it to the town, and the town mayor approaches them as they enter.

"Hello there, how is it going…Verloom? Is it? "Creed asked confusingly." (How does he know who Verloom is? Please specify.)

"Ello there, mate. Where ya headed?" Verloom asked.

"I'm just passing by, looking to get something to eat, and a place to sleep. Not many dressed like you come around here. After the Heavens fell, the government collapsed, and many monsters started appearing. You wouldn't know anything about hat now then would ya sir?"

"Umm, no, I wouldn't say I did, sorry," Creed answered.

"Mmm, just checking. Hehe, no need to look so glaringly, but you look quite young to be a researcher."

Creed's eyes widen as an aura he emits makes even the brightest of people look sour.

"No need to get so defensive young supercell. Your journey is just beginning," Verloom said. He raised his fist much to Creed's surprise. Before he could predict or react, Verloom had driven his fist into Creed. His vision went black, the scene he had witnessed a blur.

Then he up in a basement where he is being tortured and interrogated.

"Please, what do you want?" Creed said in agony. "Please, let me go."

"Sorry, I simply can't. You are an anomaly, one might say. We are both supercells, but I cannot overtake you, meaning your abnormal is more potent than mine, but the host of that powerful abnormal is frail, therefore, I will train you. You can call me V from now on, alright? What's your name again?

No response.

"It doesn't matter. Eventually, you will open up but until then I will beat the strength out of you."

Verloom proceeded to put the poor boy through hell, beating, cutting fingers off, tearing hair out, branding limbs, the whole nine yards. (Boring way to tell the story. Here's a tip, show, don't tell.)

The agony would continue for an entire month or few before the training commenced.

The seasons changed, and months passed, the screams growing more silent with each coming night.

"I can keep this going all day, "Creed proclaimed.

"At least you're talking to me now," replied Verloom, "still not mad at me for continually beating you for the past months now?"

"I wouldn't say I really forgave you, but I'm over it now," Creed said. As the last word left his mouth, he lunged whilst transforming his fingers into sharp appendages while detaching his other fingers to corner Verloom from the other side.

"Well, would you look at that, you gained knowledge and now know the Cell Drives,"Verloom eagerly claimed. "Even though I had trouble with the technique, you learned it within three months. Those were some hectic times I must say. Running from bears, fighting lions, killing mutated humans, and even spending time with my family and me, I genuinely thank you for allowing me to teach you for these past few months. But the time to depart has come. I wish you the best, Mr. Creed." (Even with these edits, this feels too fast paced, and there is so much lost potential here for character development. Within those four months of "Running from bears, fighting lions, killing mutated humans, and even spending time with [Verloom's] family," we could have developed both Mr. Creed and Verloom's character's and allow for the reader to see them both grow in their strength, abilities, and character. There is a lot of potential here.)

Verloom opened his arms to Creed, embracing him deeply. Emotions ran high that very moment, as they hugged and embraced one another.

"Wait, what, for real, I never thought this would finally end. C'mon, let's go, Creedy. " (Avoid informalities such as ";>")

The room went silent. The abnormal had not spoken for months now yet it began speaking its mind to both Verloom and Creed.

"YOUR ABNORMAL CAN TALK?!" exclaimed Verloom.

"More or less telepathically communicate to whoever it wants, but yes, it can,"Creed explained.Verloom sighed. "Well, you learn something every day I suppose…"

"You better be careful, V, I've started to like you but not this place. Humans no longer run this once human world. Don't trust anyone, not even your children,just a little word for the wise."

"I'll consider that I suppose,"Verloom begrudgingly stated.

"Stop scaring him, I'm pretty sure none of your family are human-devouring monsters."

"Very reassuring."

"Thanks, V."

"Alright, enough small talk. C'mon, Creed, we have to go before sundown. You know the banshee comes out around this time."

"Wait,banshee? You mean the ghosts or spirits that scream, right?" Creed said, shockingly laughing while speaking. "You, heh, know those don't exist, it's made-up fiction even," said Creed."Well, these banshees are most definitely real, just a little less ghost and a lot more abnormal."

"Are you sure? How would you even know? You haven't even been anywhere and I haven't seen any. And what? How? I'm just so confused. Please explain."

"So many questions, so little time, alright I'll start with the beginning when the fall of Heaven began.When we first met, I instantly knew that you would be the perfect vessel for me."

Creed's expression soured at Jin's word.

"What's with the long face? Anyways, as a species, us parasites, or abnormals as you humans call usare built on a hive mind, meaning I have access to a lot of knowledge acquired by my kind.Banshees are an indirect creation of us which only come out at night and have been known to eat other abnormals, and the thing that makes them so deadly is the fact they paralyze you once they scream. Hence we leave right the hell now.""That was quite a lot of information in a short time frame, "said Verloom.

"Well, lets stay for the night and head out in the morning," said Creed.

"Y'all do what y'all want, but don't get yourself killed. They are very unpredictable and are most prominent in this area. I suggest getting out of here now.""Ahhh shut up, we are staying the night and heading out in the morning."Upon hearing those words, Jin felt a sense of overwhelming dread, but he sighed and waited. Only time would tell.