Chapter 16 (part2)

The cab reached the destination, and Skyleene was still sound asleep. Old Dulles paid the driver, the man looking at the money with a smile on his face. Aper turned his face to the sleeping figure on his shoulder. He remembered the time when he went to her house and fell asleep due to his bipolar outburst. She slept on his shoulder then as well. The only difference was that he was awake and holding her, not the other way around.

He tried to wake her up by shaking her body, but she just snuggled more into his side. A sigh escaped his lips. His hand went to Mushu and stroked his ear. Mushu got the message and got up from Skyleene's lap and stretched his body on the seat close to the left window. Aper smiled at him, slowly lifting Skyleene's legs with his right arm while the left balanced the girl. With his mouth, Mushu covered her legs with the long train of the dress.

Old Dulles opened Aper's door and let the boy slide out of the car with the girl in his arms. A cold wind brushed against a part of Skyleene's skin on the legs making her shiver and snuggle closer to Aper.

"Shhh... It will get warmer soon, don't worry", the man reassured her in a whisper.

Old Dulles closed the cab's door, thanking the driver once again and went to the front door of Skyleene's house. Mushu went inside first, climbing on the table close to the light switch and turning it on. As Aper entered after Old Dulles, Skyleene squinted her eyes and hid her face in his chest, grasping at his shirt. That action made Aper stiffen and flush a red blush on his face. He let out a whimper but calmed down.

"I will take her to her room to rest and come back to discuss the plan. You can have something to drink or eat from her kitchen, I do not know what she has, but I am sure you will find something."

Old Dulles nodded and went right ahead, followed by a black shadow on four legs. The young male adjusted the girl in his arms and went straight ahead to her bedroom. The room was not large but not small either. A subtle pale purple on the walls made the room seem warm as you entered for the first time. She had a massive brown wardrobe on the left of the door as you walked in, a table filled with books, papers and a big vintage lamp. Next to the table, in front of the door, was the bed. It was followed by a window, with the view of the forest in the back of the house. The room was nicely decorated with some stars on the walls and ceiling, making it look like the room of a teenage girl passionate about astrology.

Aper placed Skyleene on the bed, feeling her warmth disappear from his body. Leaning closer, he studied her face again: the same pouty lips, pale skin, and small nose. She looked like a porcelain doll, so fragile and strong at the same time. He straightened his back and was ready to leave, but a hand grabbed him before he could.

"The shoes... they are uncomfortable", a sleepy Skyleene said.

Aper looked at her shoes and found some black high heels. He took them off and got greeted by two wounds on both of her legs.

"Why did you wear these? They hurt you..." he said in a whisper.

He massaged her ankles gently. As he was about to touch the bleeding wounds, Skyleene retracted her legs underneath her body, a shiver shaking her small frame. He followed his instinct and hopped on the bed, snaking his hands around her waist. He waited for her to fall back asleep and inhaled her scent profusely. He became addicted to her lavender smell as if it was fresh air.

When the girl gave no signs of waking up, Aper sighed, got up and covered her with the blanket that was on the bed, and left the room.

In the kitchen, Old Dulles had a conversation with Skyleene's spirit guide. Mushu sat on the countertop as Old Dulles sipped his water. They were communicating through their minds, just like Skyleene. Why they could do that, you may ask? That was because Old Dulles was an Academic, which meant he had access to Lights City anytime. Since Mushu worked for the Lights City rule, he could talk with the old man. Academics could become spirit guides when they got to Lights City if they wanted to, which was a bonus to his and Mushu's relationship.

"You know, he looks like he cares for her", the man said.

"He does care. I can feel it. Though, there is something weird about him. His pneuma is fucked, but he seems human", the cat replies.

"Ah yes, one of the children of the deal. His parents had to give him away to a family from Condemned City who did not have children in their living life and still craved for one. This way, the child could live, even though it would not be with his birth parents. It is also risky as you do not know where your child goes. It is excruciating to know your child grow with someone else. But it was the only way to either save the child or the parent's situation", the older man explained.

"How did you know that?"

"It is a thing I can feel. Souls in Condemned City have their pneumas fixed once before they realize what they have to do to reach Lights City, and when they get there, their pneuma does not have any problems at all. It is the city of no pain after all."

"You do have a point, but still: how?"

"I met this kid a couple of times. His pneuma has been the same for quite a while now. He did not look like he knew what was happening to him either. I know, for a fact, he went to some 'doctors' that told him he is bipolar. We both know that is impossible."

"How do you know this, you sly old man?" Mushu meowed and seemed to smile.

"I know because I was the one who told him that. I am his so-called doctor."

"Excuse me?" Mushu seemed confused.

"Aaron Fling, his guardian, came to me and explained what was going on. I knew the kid needed a pole for emotions - he was disabled alone - but since Aper did not want any help, it would have been useless to tell Aaron that. Not to mention, Fling also gave Aper Awo Aro tea, which calmed him down and gave him some power to live on his own."

"This is so messed up."

"It is. That is how I connected the dots. It is normal anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"Children of the deal usually suffer from things like this."

"These children did not have to live here in the first place. It does not even surprise me."

"Aper is doing a great job, though. I think he is the only alive child of his generation."