
Chapter 8

Averill continued to turn on her computer on the table, and on the table there were also important documents that needed to be completed by her. All these files were arranged by Jenny last Friday before they both returned to their respective homes. Averill typed the proposal she needed to get a new contract when she felt her muscles tired, so she started to stand up while bending her body to stretch her bones, but her eyes fell on the photo frame on her desk.

The photo frame contains pictures of her, Eliza, and Aurora a few months after she was born. When taking this photo, they were on vacation to celebrate Happy New Years and can be seen in their background a beautiful forest and white snow on the ground.

Averill held the picture frame after looking at the picture wistfully, then placed it back in its original place, sat on the chair, and resumed her work that had been interrupted a while ago.

Jenny's absence from work today has a little effect on Averill because she feels lonely. It's not the first time she's felt lonely. Jenny would usually go down to the café at lunchtime to buy food for her, but when she was off, she had to go down herself.

The company has its own café to make it easier for employees to eat in the morning, lunch, and evening. She rarely eats at this café because it was usually prepared by her late wife before, but since Eliza died, Averill started eating the food prepared at the café that Jenny bought for her. As soon as she arrived at the café, she continued to choose a seat, and the workers who rarely saw her having lunch at the café looked at her direction to sit with curious eyes. They started gossiping in low voices among themselves.

"The Chairman has lunch at a café."

"I don't often see the Chairman eating here."

"Perhaps she feels like eating, and I heard that Ms. Jenny, the personal assistant, did not come to work today."

"To be honest, I didn't even hear about it. It is really difficult for rich people to be independent. All the things they do depend on personal assistance, if not even a secretary. "

"Don't speak loudly, she can hear us."

They continued to gossip while not realizing that it was Averill who had passed by the table where they were eating. The woman in the black blouse and thick make-up was aware of Averill's movements and warned her tablemates who were gossiping.

"Ish, the chairman, just passed our table. You know, you gossipers will definitely be heard by her later. "

The woman sitting next to her friends also said, "very seriously. She felt scared when she saw the chairman passing their table to hear her tablemate's words. These days, it is not easy to find a job in a company that takes care of workers' rights and acts fairly. This company is considered very good compared to other companies because every employee's needs are provided for; for employees who cannot afford to buy a house, an apartment is also provided; and a salary equivalent to education and training to gain experience is also provided. Where to find a company like this?

"I don't want to be fired because of you who like to gossip. I have a child who needs to be paid for; a car that has not yet been paid for; a loan; and a house.

" Where are you going to find money when you are laid off?"

Averill, who passed the table, heard the details of their conversation but not their words, but did not reveal them. Everyone has their own opinion, and he can't please everyone. It's also a waste of time to amuse ourselves with useless things. After taking the food, she returned back to her seat she had chosen earlier and started eating. When she remembered her secretary's words this morning, she took out her mobile phone, slid the lock, opened the WhatsApp, searched for Jenny's contact, and started typing the words he wanted to send. She typed a few lines, then deleted them and started over. "You didn't come to work today. My secretary said you had something. "Are you in good shape now?"

She re-read the words she had typed and pressed the send symbol after feeling that her message was perfect. At first she didn't want to send the order, but since Jenny was her employee, she had to take care of her. Jenny is not another employee. The other workers have a leader who cares about them. It's enough that she cares about the welfare of the workers, not personal matters. She was actually embarrassed to be like that to Jenny, but she couldn't stop herself like she did when she was with her late wife.

She ate for a few minutes, but the message had not been answered by Jenny, so she left it alone. This is because Jenny has things that need to be taken care of and she is not sure whether she brought her mobile phone with her or not. Averill thought well.

At that time, the weather was very hot, and he ordered apple juice to drink. Although the air conditioning is set at 12 Celsius, the heat is very hot. She sat in the café for only 20 minutes and returned to the office. When she passed by Jenny's office next to her, she stopped for a moment to enter, but she buried her intention in her heart because she felt bad about breaking into someone else's office even though she was the chairman of the company. She turned and went into her office and sat back in her chair.

She sat down for a while and turned on the computer in front of her. You can see the page on the monitor displaying the lock screen and requiring the admin to enter a password. She entered the keyword that she had been using for a long time. Finally, after typing a few words mixed with symbols and numbers and pressing unlock, the screen turned on and the main page unfolded in front of him. She checked the email sent to her. There is an email from the marketing department that states the development of advertisements used to attract customers to buy goods online. The application that the company uses now is the "Buy Me app" where every item that is marketed here is affordable and follows the trend. This allows users to simply buy goods at home or wherever they are, and the goods are delivered to them according to the address specified at that time or according to the distance from where the customer ordered the goods. There is an L-Fast service that is used to deliver ordered goods from home to home.

According to the report sent by the head of marketing, the development of product marketing is also good. Most of the feedback given is 5 stars based on the checklist marked by the customer. After buying goods and giving feedback, there is a page to give comments, and there are questionnaires given to increase the quality of sales and service. Based on the analysis of this questionnaire, many positive comments related to the condition of the goods delivered to their homes; the speed of delivery; the quality of the goods; the quality of the workers; and the quality of the goods. Averill, after reading the email that was sent to her, replied to the email and congratulated the marketing manager and his team on their hard work. Effective advertising is able to attract customers to spend and their focus does not shift to other companies.

The head of marketing, who received an email from the chairman, felt relieved after reading the email. The chairman rarely scolds them, but when he starts to get angry, the room must be frozen. Because of that, the employees don't want to make him angry and try hard to fulfil their duties. They want the company where they make money to be the focus of many shareholders.

"Team leader, what about the report that was sent to the chairman? Was it well received by her?" One of the workers in his group asked him a question while he was typing on his computer keyboard. His eyes were focused on his computer monitor.

The team leader was sitting in his chair while reading the emails sent by the chairman repeatedly and answering the questions of his group members.

"Yes," "It was accepted and she congratulated us for our hard work." He replied with pride and joy for their hard work in handling the task that had been given to them. Hearing the good news, all the employees in the office cheered with joy because of their efforts to expand the Alpha Corp empire. While they were cheering with joy, a "ding" sound was heard from the boss's computer, indicating an incoming email. He was surprised to see the email.

"It's an email from the chairman. What Ms. Alpha wants to convey to us. "

The noisy office situation immediately returned to silence and no sound was heard. The typing on the keyboard stopped, the cheering also stopped. The leader took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, and then opened the email that was sent. It looks like some of the lines typed in the email sound like this.

Dear the team leader of marketing,

"The bonus will be given this month. Thank you for your hard work to advance Alpha Corp with me. Without you, I would not have been able to serve this company so far as now. "

Averill Alpha,

The Chairman of Alpha Corp.

After reading the email diligently, he felt very happy. He remembered the words of a biology teacher when he studied in high school, who explained why humans feel happy. He told his friends in the room the good news. Those who heard shouted for joy.

"We feel joy in our body because dopamine and serotonin have been secreted. These two types of neurotransmitters are felt in our brain. These two chemicals are indeed important in working together to bring joy within us."

"Bonus guys."

"Rarely there are bonuses, huhu!"

Some shed tears of joy. They always get bonuses, but they are sometimes forgetful due to the many tasks at hand. The head of marketing looked around, the joy on the faces of his team members upon hearing the good news that they would be given a bonus this month.

Hearing the leader say that, the members of his group resumed the work that had been interrupted earlier because they were too happy when they heard the news that they would receive a bonus this month.

"Good, to always get bonuses, let's work hard."

Back in her office, Averill really intended to give bonuses to her employees if they showed great enthusiasm. The bonus is one form of extrinsic motivation that allows them to be motivated to complete their tasks. Extrinsic motivation is one of the great motivations because it affects the behaviour of the person who wants the reward. It is not like intrinsic motivation that originally exists in an individual or employee. Extrinsic only focuses on external rewards such as money, cars, and so on.

Giving a bonus does not reduce the money. Every time the employee succeeds in achieving the goals set by the company, be sure to be given a bonus. Not only that, every time Happy New Year is celebrated, they will be given a reward as a sign that they appreciate the employees for having worked hard all this time to increase the company's productivity. After that, Averill's focus was on the email that was typed in capital letters in the title. She pressed the mouse, saw the censor being moved, and pressed save on the email. Right after that, she copied the document that was sent to the cloud specially for her because she was afraid that the data would be lost and hacked. She didn't want anyone to steal that very useful data. Looking at the data monitor, 80% of the data has just been transferred to the cloud to be backed up. While waiting for it to finish, he returns to the page that displays the email that was backed up earlier. She read the email carefully and remembered every detail that was sent to her without missing a word.