"How about the test?" She asked worriedly while watching her friend's face. Her friend realy pale and cry! She saw Eliza wiping her tears earlier. Or is Eliza really pregnant?
Eliza showed the pregnancy test to her who was wrapped in tissue, only the small screen was visible. It says two weeks three days. "Oh!" That was all Mel could say to Eliza at the moment.
"It's fine. No matter what happens this is still our daughter, she and I seed of love.." She replied calmly to Mel as she hugged her tightly.
"You have no regret with your decision?"
She also wants to know, she is worried if her friend starts to regret and act outside of her rational thoughts. She is also the one who will be suffering later.
He listened to Eliza's answer which she spoke with full confidence.
"No. I won't regret it."
"Let's go out, they must have waited a long time at the dining table seeing that neither of us came out of the toilet." She teases Mel.
Mel just smiled when she heard her friend's teasing and was relieved that her friend accepted her child with an open heart. They went out together and went back to the seats.
Right after she sat down both of her friends kept asking.
"Mel said you had a stomach ache?"
"Is it better now?"
Both of them asked worriedly as they saw Eliza running to the bathroom and Mel buying some stomach pain medicine.
"I'm fine after taking the medicine that Mel bought me, I'm fine now."
"Yes. The effects of the medicine are indeed very effective." Mel said smiling at her friends. She had no reason to tell her friends about what had happened. That was Eliza's business not hers. Eliza also did not intend to tell them both because she had not yet told the news to Averill.
I returned from the faculty and together with her friends Eliza stopped for a while at the store to buy a small box enough to put the pregnancy test earlier she also had a small roll of ribbon to tie the small box.
Arrived at her dorm and proceeded to wrap the gift. She was excited to see her lover's reaction. She plans to go to Averill's apartment at noon because she thinks Averill is still in class.
She still lives in the dorm and has no intention of moving out. Her roommate is also good and he rarely sleeps in the dorm because she lives with Averill in her apartment. Averill often invites her to stay with her because she doesn't want Eliza going back and forth to the dorm.
But Eliza often refused on the invitation and said that she also likes to sit in the dorm. Averill didn't force her after that. That afternoon she went to Averill's apartment happily. She rubbed her stomach which was still flat like a crazy women while smiling sweetly. She knocked on the apartment door softly and Averill opened it.
"Sarah!" She shouted as he opened the apartment door.
Eliza who heard Averill call Sarah's name frowned.
Averill who was busy calling Sarah heard a knock on her apartment door. She reminds me of her best friend.
"Sarah!" She called as he opened the door but saw Eliza who standing there with her hand still want to knock the door.
"Sarah? What about Sarah?" "What happened to Sarah?" Eliza asked Averill repeatedly, frowning.
"Come in first. You want a drink?" She said to Eliza while dialing her cell phone.
Eliza who saw her behavior began to feel dizzy,
"I can take it myself if I want to drink." She answered slowly as he watched Averill's movements.
"What really happened?" She started to ask when she saw that Averill didn't seem to care about her sitting there.
"What?" Averill asked back at her.
"I asked what happened to, Sarah?"
"I don't know. Yesterday she sent me a message stating that she came back late from the hospital and now still no answer from her. I called her repeatedly but still no answer." Averill said as she pressed Sarah's call contact again. Only 'tet..tet..tet' was heard and after that a mechanical female voice asked her to leave the message after a long 'tet'.
"You seem very worried Averill.'" She said slowly as if Sarah was very important to Averill.
"I do worry about her, Eliza, she is my best friend!" She yelled while slamming the mobile phone in her hand on the floor.
Eliza who heard her snap and slam the mobile phone on the floor was shocked.
"But, why are you suddenly like this?"
"B-Technology is your company and is now under the management of your uncle?"
"That's right. It is now managed by uncle Zhang."
"But what is the connection between Sarah and Uncle Zhang and B-Technology?" he added while questioning Averill who stared at her with a look that she herself found difficult to interpret. The Averill she loved was not like this, not easy to get angry or never snap at her if she anxious or sad.
"What is the connection between these two? You ask me?!" Answered Averill who was getting angry. She began to be unable to contain her emotions; she was worried, afraid when she did not receive news from her friend.
"All medical students are required to undergo an internship at B-Technology, so lately many cases of students from that faculty have disappeared without a trace!" She explained to Eliza while clenching her fist tightly.
"Uncle Zhang. It must be him and his buddies who did it."
Eliza who heard Averill's accusation began to feel heartbroken.
"You can't accuse uncle Zhang of involving in the kidnaping, Averill." Answered Eliza harshly and she also started to get angry.
"I'm not accusing, Eliza but that's the truth. You're the only one who doesn't know the truth." Averill answered again but her voice was low now when she see her girlfriend almost cry.
She knew that she shouldn't be rude to Eliza and venting all of her emotion to her girlfriend.
"You have proof? No, don't you. Just because Sarah is a medical student, you keep accusing Uncle Zhang and B-Technology of all this?!" she screamed again with tears in her eyes. She came here to share good news for Averill but this is how it turned out.
"Eliza, try to think why they are targeting medical students. You should know about it that uncle Zhang has bad intentions." It was the truth and now the tone of her voice started to soften because when she raised her eyes and saw Eliza's tears pooling in her eyelids.
"I can't believe you're making such an accusation." She answered again and got up from the sofa and went to the door. She cannot be here since Averill look angry and more worried about her own best friend than her.
"Eliza, please don't be like this. We'll calm down okay. I'm sorry for speaking in such a rude tone to you."' She hugged her beloved lover tightly from behind while persuading her. Eliza started crying and if Averill knew all the things she hide all this time would definitely hate her but she really didn't know anything related to Sarah. She also only knew about Uncle Zhang when she read a report about him accidentally hidden by Uncle Zhang in the old store in Zhang Villa.
"Averill, would you believe me if I told you something?"
Averill who was still hugging her from behind kissed the lump on the back of her neck slowly.
Eliza felt that her body started to soften and her legs were also soft because of the kiss. She misses this moment even last night they were together.
"Whatever you say I believe it and at the same time, if the matter needs time for me to think maybe I need time too." Averill replied with a soft tone of voice and the hug grew tighter. Both her hands wrapped around her lover's stomach.
"I have a present for you" She said to Averill then turned her body to face Averill.
She took a small box from her handbag and gave it to Averill.
Averill who saw a small box and it are 5cm long, 4cm wide, tied with a ribbon. The box was red and tied very neatly.
"What's the present for, honey?" Averill asked her girlfriend excitedly as she holding for her lover's hand leading her to the sofa, they sat together.
"You open it first, and then you will know what the gift is." She said to Averill as she smiled sweetly and kissed her lover's cheek gently.
Averill began to untie the knot on the ribbon slowly, Eliza who was watching her felt the heart beat starting beating to intensify, and her palms were also sweaty. She hoped that Averill would be happy to receive the surprise.
Averill opened the tie diligently, after finishing the opening of the ribbon she looked at Eliza's blushing face sitting next to her. She opened the lid of the small box slowly and she saw a pregnancy test wrapped in white tissue.
She took the it and stared at it for a long time.
Eliza already felt uncomfortable sitting next to her. She began to shift in her seat and heard Averill laugh happily. "Honey," Averill called softly as she pulled her tightly into her arms.
"You! You're pregnant?" Even though she has seen the pregnancy test, she also wants to know her lover's response. Averill doesn't want only herself to be happy but Eliza to be sad.
"Honey, what about you? Do you blame me for this?" She still held her lover in her arms and waiting for her girlfriend to respond to her question.
"I never blamed you, I just felt so scared when I found out I was pregnant. I was scared if you left me." She said sobbing in Averill's arms.
Leaving Eliza had never crossed Averill's mind. She would never do that to Eliza. She love her so much to do that things.
"No. I will not leave you. Now there is you and our baby. Thank you so much."
"Just now you were angry and the result was you throwing your mobile phone. I was very scared to seen you like that." She said crying and in Averill's arms, her shoulders slumped
"I will not behave like that again; I am worried about my friend. She is the only friend, who has been my friend since childhood. I am sorry for making you sad and scared." She said while rubbing Eliza's back who was still crying.
"Don't do it again. I only forgive you once." She said while sobbing in her girlfriend arms.
"Okay, dear. For Uncle Zhang, is it okay if we talk about it, if you're willing?"
"I have something to tell you about Uncle Zhang and myself too. I want you to know that I am still the same person. The woman who loves you and the mother of our child" She said with full of hope and looked straight into the blue eyes belong to Averill's who reflect the shine of love for her.
"Love?" She heard Averill calling her in a raspy voice.
She remembered the reason for their fight. In retrospect, Averill never lost control of her emotions again. She was afraid if that moment would happen again. Now Sarah is back in her wife's life. She is also worried if something happens again after this.
She answered Averill then asked "where does she want to meet you?"
"At the usual place we met at the university first."
"Wow!" She was excited because she had not seen her best friend for a long time after graduated from X University.
"Honey, let's go together." Averill invited while starting to kiss her cheek softly.
She felt that there was something wrong with Averill's behavior.
"Baby" she called slowly while pushing her wife's chin slowly so as not to let the kiss go to her neck.
"Honey, I didn't do anything but it's the one who thinks too much is you". She said laughing then got up and went to her desk.
"Sarah also said that she has something to tell about Dr. Zhang Chuan." She explained carefully while glaring at her wife. She wanted to see her reaction because that name left a very deep impression on her life.
"Hmm.., I don't even care as long as we can find out the truth behind his actions all of this time and what had been really happened." She answered as she twirled the jeweled ring on her left ring finger. She looked down at the floor and her curls long hair covered her face.
Averill could not see her reaction at that moment and walked towards her and hugged her shoulder tightly.