It is from then on, only that chip controls everything. She was healthy as usual and behaving like a normal person. When they saw that she was as healthy as before, both her parents were also happy. Uncle Zhang started his plan to make Eliza his research sample and he also intended to steal the AI Womb to create many clones. The clone can be used to find out the development of the chip. In fact, the chip was created to control humans and was used as a puppet. Puppets that have no feelings, work when directed, easy to anger and control. It is very obedient to instructions and can even be used to kill if used incorrectly. His dream is to prove to the world that humans can also be controlled with the chip. If it is successfully develop this world is also filled with people like Eliza.
He began his steps to control Eliza one by one. He monitors all the data recorded on the chip using his personal computer. Eliza's mother and father also didn't know that he was doing that and at the same time they were busy with their respective jobs and also taking care of Jenny who was getting sicker. So Eliza was only left to be taken care after by the nanny at that point. The nanny when remembering Dr. Zhang Chuan is Eliza's uncle and she doesn't think badly either. Eliza was often taken out by him and Eliza's parents didn't suspect anything because they felt he was Eliza's uncle and loved Eliza as much as we do. Eliza is a cute and carefree child.
They don't know what happened to their daughter who was taken to laboratory 8 by Uncle Zhang.
Eliza also remembered about the event retelling the story means that she will also be reminded again. She was at that moment, locked in a dark laboratory and injected with many drugs, the back of her neck also hurt. She tried to tell her mother but the memory of her being treated like that was erased from her memory because it was recorded in the chip.
Eliza who was previously a mischievous and cheerful child slowly became a quiet person. She no longer joked with her sister, when she was invited to the hospital she didn't want to go either, what hurt her mother and father the most was when they tried to hug her like they used to be or kiss her on the cheek like what other children's parents did, she refused too. She doesn't talk much and just answers yes or no. She is also not close anymore with her mother and father also her sister. The only instruction she heard was from Uncle Zhang and her eyes didn't even blink like the others.
Her father and mother began to wonder when they saw her behaving like that. Her sister also often asked about her younger sister because she didn't visit her in the hospital like before.
"I feel that there is something wrong with Eliza. She is not the same anymore."
"She's changed so much."
They looked at Eliza who was sitting on the couch with her legs swinging slowly, she just looking at something that never there, in her cute face never appear cute smile anymore.
"I'm worried about her."
His wife who also wanted to approach her daughter answered him who looking at their younger daughter with worried an expression. She crouched next to her daughter and blinks her eyes to control her tears. Eliza didn't realize she was next to her.
"Baby. What do you looking at?"
Her mother asked slowly and stroked her head gently with lovely smile.
Her daughter didn't answer and just looked ahead while swinging her legs. Suddenly her long hair now it reached her shoulders, flipping by the wind and her father who was crouching behind her could see a chip embedded in her neck. It is blue, square, if it is night it will definitely look bright.
"Honey, the chip implanted in the back of her neck is activated?" He touched his wife's shoulder gently "What do you mean?" Her mother asked then saw her husband who now began to hold Eliza in his arms.
"Baby, let daddy hold you for a while." Persuade her father when she starts to refuse.
"No!" She answered loudly and began to beat her father who did not let go of his embrace.
Seeing her behaving like that her mother started to worry and looked at her husband.
"Baby. Don't hit daddy. I just want to hug baby because I miss baby." Persuade his father but she still thrashes around asking her father to let him go.
"Let me go! Let me go!!" She screamed as she kicked at her mother who was trying to get close to her.
Seeing her daughter who was crazy like that made her tears fall slowly. Eliza was never like that.
Her husband who was not happy, he flipped her daughter's hair, seeing the blue chip he started to think.
He let go of Eliza who was still thrashing and as soon as he let go she stopped. Eliza stopped thrashing, her face was red, and she got up from that place and went to the bedroom. She closed the door slowly and lay down on her small bed. After that she got out of bed again, sat in a small chair by her desk. She took a colored pencil and drew something that was a person drawn like a man, using a face mask colored green; she also drew a large white colored house, a chain and also a syringe. She likes to paint a lot. At her current age she likes to draw and color even though the form of the drawing is not beautiful but also clearly seen. The colors she used also chosen carefully by her. This is not the first picture she has drawn. She put the painted pictures in a drawer. After that she lay down again and slept.
While her mother and father who were still outside started talking.
"I am very worried about our daughter's condition."
"I'm curious about the chip implanted in the back of her neck. Didn't your brother say the chip would only protect her from contracting diseases?"
"But, now it doesn't seem like what he said to us."
"What do you mean? The chip has its own function other than protecting her from disease?"
"Yes. I think it has a certain function, try to think that before Eliza was mischievous and cheerful, liked to be hugged by both of us, often chatted with her sister but why is she so different now?"
"I don't think she behaved like that because of neglect. Although we are busy with work and taking care of Jenny, we are also often with her."
"I feel the same way. It is like she has no love for us."
"Dear, try to think about why your dear brother often comes here?"
Eliza's mother was silent when her husband started asking about her brother. She also often asked herself why Chuan often met Eliza but never cared about Jenny.
"Even though Jenny was sick, he never cared dear, but when Eliza suddenly fell ill he starts to care about her. Dear, don't you think it's strange?"
"It's hard for me to believe what you're saying but its also true understandable. He never minded Jenny but why all of a sudden Eliza?"
They both thought about it for a while and they could only come to one conclusion.
"It's because of the chip." They both said at the same time.
"You go to bed first, honey." her husband got up from his seat.
"Why? Do you have anything you want to do?" His wife asked her husband who suddenly told her to go to bed early.
"I want to go to Eliza bedroom. I want to see her sleep."
"I want to go too."
"Let us go together."
They went to their youngest daughter's bedroom together. Her husband opened the bedroom door slowly, and then saw her daughter sleeping while hugging the bunny. He smiled sweetly and walked towards her daughter's bed.
He sat on the edge of her daughter's mattress and gently caressed the cute face. His wife also looked around her daughter's room. Her eyes looked at the small table arranged by her daughter's bed. She was intrigued to see something on her daughter's desk. She sat there and rummaged through the small book on the table. She smiled a little when she saw the neatly arranged colored pencils. Suddenly she saw a drawer that was not closed tightly and many papers were kept inside. Without thinking, she opened the drawer slowly so that her daughter would not hear. She looked at the contents of the drawer. She was very surprised when she saw the picture drawn by her daughter.
She took the paintings she called her husband slowly.
"Mac, come here."
She called her husband softly.
Her husband who heard the call then got up from the side of his daughter's bed and went to his wife who was holding some rather thick papers.
"What's wrong, honey?" He walked up to his wife.
"Mac, look at this." She laid out her daughter's drawings on the table. Her husband looked stunned.
"This painting is very beautiful" He praised his daughter's painting and it made his wife smile.
"It's really beautiful but tries to see it, Mac look at the content that she drew." She pointed to each of the drawings using the crook of her finger.
Her husband also began to observe each of the paintings.
"Honey, do you want to say that what our daughter thinks has to do with this painting?"
"Maybe it true Mac, my instincts are strong. She might not be able to tell us but it's possible that she's expressing it using these paintings."
She explained to her husband. Even though she doesn't know anything, she also believes that there must be something hidden or that she doesn't know.
"Honey, she might as well draw it because she feels like to drawing something."
"Indeed, but before painting she must have thought or remembered something that happened for it day. It is impossible for her to paint different paintings every day."
Her husband pondered and proposed to her.
"Honey, try to take pictures of these paintings with your mobile phone, honey."
She kept snapping the paintings and then putting them back together. She put the painting back into the drawer and closed the drawer as before.
Eliza's mother kissed her daughter's forehead and her husband followed. They closed the bedroom door slowly.
When they reaching their bedroom, her husband than said to her and lying on the bed.
"Honey, tomorrow you see a counselor or psychiatrist and bring the paintings. They might be able to help us."
"Yes. I will consult with my friend who works as a counselor and is licensed. That morning Eliza's mother went to her friend's office. She showed the drawings to her friend.
"From my observation, this daughter of yours has something to convey through these paintings. I observed it from the course I followed while becoming a certified counselor and my experiences."
"What does she want to convey through these paintings?"
"This is based on what I understand based on these drawings, she may now be in pain."
"Yes, try to look at the picture of this man, maybe she is with this man or knows this man, the masked is colored green, maybe it means this man is a doctor or a surgeon, see this syringe is colored with green inside but the shape is colored with white . Maybe she was pricked using a syringe with a green liquid. This is based on my observation, Dr. Zhang. The only one who knows is Dr. Zhang's daughter and try to ask her, she might also tell Dr. Zhang. Children under the age of 7 are very honest and they often can't wait to report each day's activities to the parents. Dr. Zhang can also check the child's body maybe there might be something wrong."
The counselor's explanation was very long to Dr. Zhang who listened to her explanation carefully. When she hears her friend explanation it is made Eliza's mother worry about her daughter's safety.
She continued to inform her husband. Her husband also started to worry and after completing his task, he went to the lawyer and informed about something and handed out several pieces of paper with a brown envelope.