
Chapter 38

"So there is only one laboratory room marked no 8 but colored in black. Maybe the laboratory is not in B-Technology but he only used B-Technology to confuse the victim and the investigating officer."

"There is also a possibility that the laboratory marked no. 8 which is colored black has been not in B-Technology all this time. It may be in another place. The one in B-Technology is only to confuse the victims who escaped and also the investigating officers."

"Yes. It's definitely not at B-Technology. He only used the name of the lab and when it was found by investigating officer in B-Technology's he was not to blamed and all of accusation fall on Eliza because she is the heir to B-Technology"

"Another thing, he is a well-known doctor in the medical field and also has a high reputation. It must be difficult to ensure that he conducts illegal experiments."

"That's right. People who seem good to the in the eyes of world are very hard to believe when they do bad things."

"It was one of the factors that caused him not to feel fear."

Now when they hear the answer it were discussed by Sarah and Averill, who discussed the theory related to Dr. Zhang, Caroline smiled happily. These two friends are not only wise in analyzing Dr. Zhang even they support each other.

"Averill's theory is indeed correct, there are many laboratories created by Dr. Zhang and they are marked with no.8, only one laboratory is marked with no.8 and the no.8 is colored black. The laboratory marked with no. 8 but colored with color black is not located in B-Technology. He only used the name B-Technology to protect his illegal experiment."

"Besides, his office is at B-Technology and he will often be seen there."

"Where is the real lab no 8?" Sarah looked at Caroline curiously as well. Her wife rarely tells things related to her past because she wants to protect her feelings."

"It is at K-Technology."

"What?!" The three of her friends asked her simultaneously in shocked, loudly and very fortunately the glass wall surrounding the place where they met was soundproof. If not, of course the customers and employees at the cafe will be surprised to hear the loud voice in front of her.

Caroline who listened to their loud voices was surprised, than stroked her chest slowly. Sarah, who saw her wife gently caressing her chest because she was surprised by their loud voices, continued to apologize.

"Sorry, I was surprised to hear you tell us that lab no.8 is located in K-Technology." Averill and Eliza also nodded their heads in agreement with Sarah. They were also very surprised and now they also think that uncle Zhang has something to do with the death of the CEO of K-Technology.

"How do you know about this Caroline because there's no way he'd tell you something like this even if he trusted you?" Eliza said as her wife and Sarah also agreed with what she said. It is true that Uncle Zhang is a very difficult person to trust others. If it's his own sister he can kill without feeling guilty let alone Caroline who knows about this.

"Caroline, I'm worried about your situation now. When he finds out you told us his biggest secret, he'll definitely want to hurt you too." Sarah said looking at her wife with worry face.

"That's right Caroline; he must be on his guard now. He's very paranoid." Eliza added again and Averill also confirmed her wife's words.

"Only the four of us know about this matter and I'm sure the intention of the four of us is the same to drag him to court for justice."

They also nodded their heads because their intention was the same to destroy Dr. Zhang.

"He can't possibly hurt me, even he doesn't know my background. Every time he conducts the experiment I feel very guilty for not being able to stop but what can I do, I'm just a spy sent by my father all this time. If I stop him, he will surely feel suspicious about me."

"Recently he also conducted an experiment called Clone no.21. In the past based on my mother's acquisition, he tried to seize the said AI Worm but was unsuccessful because of that he is now using a kidnapped human to be his sample to conducting his experiments."

"He stops for a moment if he knows and sees the news related to the kidnapping of the students in X University in media social. It is reporting about the increasing of kidnapping cases everyday but from last weeks it seems decreasing. After the situation becomes clear, he will do it again."

"I also have his old mobile phone. There is a lot of information that he recorded there. I am not sure if he was stupid or did it on purpose. Every record in and out of laboratory no. 8 located in K-Technology will be recorded in there. The lab may use an eye scan or an identity scan."

"Don't worry about that, I have a record of the eye scan and his fingers print."

"How did you get it?"

"Haha..surprise!" Averill laughing softly and Sarah who was sitting next to her must have known that she likes to make surprises.

"Sarah, remember when I asked you to send him a mobile phone?" Averill asked Sarah then resumed her words after Sarah answered it.

"Not only does he not recognize you, but also when he turns on the mobile phone, one of his fingers that are holding the mobile phone must have touched the sensor on the back. Therefore, it is recorded in the data of the mobile phone. It does not matter which of his fingers touches the mobile phone sensor, it will be recorded. Maybe he didn't use his right thumb but used his left thumb to open the lock on the door. Likewise with the eye scan, he might use many eyes such as the iris of his victim's eyes were recorded and used to open the lock on the door. So every time his eyes looked at the direction of the mobile phone camera or holding it with people around it while unlocking the door will definitely be recorded as well. All the data in the mobile phone will be sent to my mobile phone without him knowing. If he knows it will be too late."

"I made that mobile phone especially for him and a surprise gift for him later. I just remind us all to be careful with him, especially you, Caroline. You are a spy sent by your father and you should know when he is successfully proven guilty later you also convicted because you worked with him all this time so to avoid it you must have proof that you are a spy." Averill explain it again to all of them especially Caroline.

"My father has arranged everything for me and I have also received approval from my superiors to carry out this investigation. Thank you for reminding me."

She feels lucky to have friends like them who not only have team spirit but understand each other. Averill is a very intelligent person when it comes to voicing her own opinion. She is very careful and if she knew the real thing that happened to her birth mother, she would surely feel sad reminding her mother that she did not care about her all this time but fought for her life to save her child and wife.

"Averill, I also want to know about both of your mothers now?" She asked Averill softly with curiosity.

"I only met my biological mother once but after that she disappeared. I also don't know where she went and there are rumors that she followed another man."

"You believe she follows another man?"

"I don't know, but since she doesn't care about me and mom, maybe the rumors are true. Mom and Melly are who I call mother."

"Your mother remarried after your biological mother disappeared without a trace?"

"No. She and Melly take care of me. They are just close friends because Melly is also the twin of my biological mother."

"I thought they were both married, because you referred to both of them as your mothers."

"They both took care of me since I was a child so I call Melly mother. Mother is not likely to marry again, she often cries looking at the picture of my biological mother."

"Your mother loves your biological mother very much."

"Yes." She said slowly while answering a question from Caroline. She is also not sure where her real mother is now and she disappeared just like that. Both her mother tried to find her but was not found till now.

Caroline also just remained silent and then gave a full look to Sarah who was sitting in front of her now. Eliza rubbed the back of her wife's palm slowly. This topic is also a sensitive topic for Averill. At least she had some experience with her mother but Averill only met her biological mother once.

"Caroline, do you know where my biological mother is?" She asked Caroline because Caroline suddenly wanted to know about her birth mother.

"I don't know where your real mother is." She answered calmly but looked away and did not look at Averill and her other friends.

"Yes. Do you also know the four rich friends of Zhang Chuan?"

"All of them are medical doctors who expert in surgeon as well but have a lot of assets from their families. They are the only ones who carry out every operation together with Dr. Zhang Chuan. I don't know much because when I am in the operating room we must wear a mask. I can only see their eyes only but not the whole face."

"That's right. I also sent a personal investigator other than Sarah. Maybe they will know the four doctors later."

"For Dr. Zhang's mobile phone that is with me, don't worry, it will be kept as evidence later and I will forward to you the data stored in it." Sarah added to Averill who had just finished talking to them.

"We have to act quickly and get into the no.8 laboratory that is in K-Technology." Caroline said again as she stroked her exposed arm in the air. Today, she is wearing a sleeveless blouse she feel a little bit cold in this room. Seeing her rubbing her arm, Sarah got up from her seat and pressed the air conditioning control to reduce the temperature so that her wife will not feel too cold. Averill and Eliza didn't care about that either because they felt a little cold too.

"I'm going to break into the lab." Suggest Averill to the three of them. Eliza who listened did not disagree.

"No. It's too dangerous if you go."

"I can also go with Averill" Sarah suggested again and it was her wife turn to concern about her.

"Caroline can't go because she is currently working with Dr. Zhang Chua, Eliza can't either because she who is acting as Jenny is a spy sent by Dr. Zhang to monitor me."

Eliza who wanted to answer was intercepted by Averill and her words continued to die there. Averill really didn't talk to her about this.

"This is dangerous, Sarah, Averill". Caroline said to both of them, who was also worried about the proposal of the two of them who wanted to break into K-Technology.

"It is indeed dangerous but if we don't act, how long will we continue to be under the grip of Dr. Zhang Chuan?" Averill answered again to her wife and Caroline. They are now in the grip of Dr. Zhang and if they don't do something it will make their lives more difficult.

"I have two children to protect, Eliza, Caroline have to protect Sarah. I don't want when he finds out about Caroline telling us about the real location of laboratory 8, Dr. Zhang will act. At the same time we are also complacent and finally we ourselves are destroyed."

"I support Averill's opinions in this matter. The more we fear the more he likes, that's why we have to act early before he realizes that we already know about his plan." Caroline added again. Her mission is to eliminate Dr. Zhang Chuan, who managed to hurt her first.

"We must have a strategy so that it is easy for us to act. We cannot act as we please because as far as I know Uncle Zhang is very paranoid and full of caution." Eliza said to them all as her finger twirled her wedding ring on her left ring finger. She acts like that if she's worried about something especially that stone-headed Averill.