Caroline and Sarah were also shocked to hear the explanation. This means that she and Averill are twins but are not all these years her parents are said to have died. That's what she knew or maybe she was given by Zhang Chuan to another family, when she was still a baby and that family took care of him.
"I have that dragon-shaped birthmark." Sarah said slowly as she looked at Sophie. Averill, who was listening, also turned her gaze to her mother and now looked at her with wide eyes because zhe believed.
"Sarah does have that dragon-shaped birthmark on her left chest. At first I was also surprised. Does this mean that Sarah is Averill's twin sister?" Caroline added again, she grabbed Sarah's hand that was still looking at Sophie and Averill. She felt a pounding in her chest as she waited for Sophie's answer to her question earlier.
Sophie took a slow breath and let it out slowly. She looked calm but her heart was filled with worry. She was worried that Averill who grew up alone could not accept the news and Sarah who had been raised in an orphanage because the parents who had taken care of her had died and blamed her for not looking for her from the beginning.
"Yes. You are the lost daughter and Averill's twin sister."
Immediately after Sophie uttered those words she felt mixed feelings. She also felt happy, sad and angry at Zhang Chuan who took away the child that she herself had never met from the beginning. She was happy that Sarah was taken care of by her and Melly all this time and grew up with Averill after she took Sarah from the orphanage. If she did not carry out charity work at the orphanage, Averill would not be friends with Sarah and surely now she would not be able to find her missing daughter except to post it on social media and surely many people would take advantage of it. That is even if she managed to capture and extract the secret from Zhang Chuan.
"All the doctors who helped deliver the two of you were threatened by Zhang Chuan and that's why they did not dare to tell the truth. I also asked the hospital about this and they also informed me about Averill having twins that Zhang Chuan ran away with while nurse wants to bathe you both."
"He gave you to another family and after your parents died you were also sent to an orphanage because there was no guardian. That is what old man Zhang Chuan said when I investigated."
"I'm sorry because all this time I did not even know about your existence, Sarah. You are the Averill twins that we did not know either. Nini who gave birth to you did not know either because she was still unconscious at the time. You were both born by caesarean."
The four of them who were there were just silent without saying a word. Sarah also bowed her head, her tears fell unconsciously maybe because Averill was her twin sister all this time she felt close to that woman. Even when they were still friends, Averill accepted him as he was without bringing up the story of his life living in the orphanage.
Averill is her childhood friend but now she is her twin sister without her realizing it. The woman who has been very good to her all this time is her mother as well and the one who is being treated in his mother's bedroom is her biological mother who gave birth to her. She hugged her wife who was sitting next to her and Caroline returned the hug because for her all the information received by Sarah was overwhelming.
"Sarah, you can think about this. I did not force you to accept us in your life. You have a wife and even children of your own in the future. That is also enough. You are still mother and mommy's child even if you do not know about this. Mom and mommy do not even know about this incident let alone Averill."
Averill also just remained silent without saying anything and could not see the emotion on her face. Eliza was worried if she kept all the emotions she was feeling now in herself without express it.
"Mommy, does she know about this?"
"I told mommy the truth. Mommy wanted to see you two but I told her that you two are still spending time with your family. If you have a chance can visit mommy who is resting in much bedroom, right? Mommy misses you both so much."
"I understand mom. Let mommy rest first when she gets better later Averill and Eliza will visit her with the kids."
She looked at Sarah who was still being hugged by her wife and said slowly to Sarah.
"Sarah, we have been friends for years, I have already considered you as my sister and when mom told me the truth I felt very happy because among the thousands of people I met you are became my twin sister. Starting from now you are not lonely anymore you have a family I have loved you all this time, even though we were not siblings before."
Sarah who heard Averill's words felt very teary and even though she knew Averill was a very good friend and loved her just like the woman who called herself mother who was sitting in front of her.
"Thank you, Averill and .." She said stuttering she wanted to call Sophie mom but she felt awkward but Sophie seemed to know what was on her mind and said.
"You can call me anything and I'll accept it. Sophie smiled looking at Sarah. Sarah looks exactly like Sophie, Sarah's hair is red but Sarah is blonde.
"My hair is blonde because it's dyed. When I was young, I used to dye my hair because your mommy's hair was blonde and she also liked that color, so I dyed my hair that color."
When hearing her explanation, Averill laughed softly because she knew her mother's secret to get mommy's love, was her mother's love also rejected by mommy?
Seeing Averill laughing, Sophie was also not surprised because her daughter liked to laugh at her.
"My love for Nini has never been rejected." She said with full confidence and looked at her daughter. Averill who heard blushed appeared in her cheeks because her love had been rejected many times by Eliza.
"How is Zhang Chuan now?" Eliza asked who wanted to know about the fate that befell her uncle.
"He is currently being detained and the authorities are still collecting evidence and also the victims who were once samples of his experiment. I have also sent the evidence we have to the authorities. We will see later during his trial. Well if there is nothing then we can disperse." Sophie said that because she could not leave Nini for long and let the exhausted Melly take care of her wife. She has not yet resolved the disagreement between Nini and Melly. Nini is someone who is easily jealous so it is not surprising if she is jealous to see her twin sister with her and compounded by the pictures in the basement and Zhang Chuan's inciting words.
"No, mother rest first because she seems to be sleep deprived." You can see the black eye bags under her mother's eyelids and it is possible that she is tired of taking care of mommy. Listening to Averill's advice, Sophie blushed and walked away.
Averill who saw her mother blushing laughed again. Mom looks weird lately. Sarah, who was sitting next to Caroline looked at Averill who was laughing, she smiled softly. Finally, her dream of becoming Averill's sister came true and she was very happy. Caroline, also feels guilty for having been jealous of Averill and Sarah's relationship before but now she is also happy because Sarah finally has a family that loves her.
"Finally, Zhang Chuan was caught. Eliza, now you can go out every days calmly and without fear. You can also work at B-Technology after this and manage the company." Averill said to her wife as she kissed her cheek. Eliza was embarrassed when Averill kissed her in front of her two friends but Sarah and Caroline did not mind them making out in front of them either.
Sarah got up from her seat and headed towards Averill who was joking with her wife and when she was in front of Averill she spoke in a soft tone.
"Averill, thank you for accepted me to become your twin sister. I know it's hard for you to accept."
"I have accepted you in this family from the beginning so there is no need to thank me."
Averill got up from her seat and hugged Sarah who still wanted to talk. She also understands that maybe Sarah is now thinking about her feelings but as she said earlier that she accepts Sarah as she is. They are adults and it is not a problem for them. They were not together from the beginning because Zhang Chuan stolen Sarah away and both her mothers not to mention she did not know the existence of her twin sister.
"So now we have become a family." Averill said with a cheerful smile and released her hug from her sister.
After returning from the office ehe and Eliza rested in the living room and talked about B-Technology, ehe sat next to his wife while resting her chin on her shoulder.
"All this time I have been monitoring Alpha Corp from home only because I'm afraid that if I go out, Zhang Chuan will do something dangerous. After his trial you are going back to B-Technology?"
"Yes, because as far as I know he used the name B-Technology without my authorities or your knowledge and based on the reports given by Caroline, most of the drugs and medical equipment were also taken out and taken to the laboratory no. 8 without my permission. I am the heir to the company and have been denied rights by Uncle Zhang."
"Zhang Chuan is actually a person who does not want to lose, is jealous and greedy. It is this feeling that drives him to commit crimes to the point of killing your family members. I am sorry if my words remind you of that story."
"I have forgotten about all that, I don't blame you and what you said is all the truth behind his behavior all this time."
"Honey, I'm also wondering about K-Technology because until now no CEO has been appointed to replace the old CEO."
"Actually the death of the old CEO is related to Zhang Chuan."
"I can feel that too, honey."
"Shen Siew is the real name of the CEO of K-Technology who is said to have died of suicide. While I was in Zhang Chuan's custody, I heard that Shen Siew was one of the doctors involved in the experiments conducted by Zhang Chuan over the years. Shen Siew, perhaps he felt that experimenting on humans to implant the chip was illegal and violated human rights and tried to stop it but when Zhang Chuan found out, he was killed by Zhang Chuan."
"Perhaps it is also because for Zhang Chuan the experiment is very important compared to the lives of the victims he sacrificed to make his experiment a success."
"I do not believe, if Shen Siew committed suicide but I believe if he was killed or forced to commit suicide."
"B-Technology has nothing to do with K-Technology and if they want to appoint a new CEO that is good so that the company can be well managed. What about the launching of the 'Go Buy App" when will it be launched?"
"Next year, honey, the postponement is done because Zhang Chuan also has a small share in Alpha Corp, as a result of Zhang Chuan's trial case; it may effect to some extent cause Alpha Corp's good name to be tarnished. So it would be good if it was launched after the situation calmed down."
"I also think so, and I also intend to resume the joint contract between the two companies that was previously terminated by Uncle Zhang because he thought that Alpha Corp would belong to him."