4 Reminiscence

The drive back home was so awkward, Aria didn't look her father's way and Mr Ray thought not to disturb her.

She slide down the windows of the car and allowed the hot summer breeze hit her face,causing her cheeks to turn into pink,her gloomy eyes filled with unshed tears and confusion. She looked at her father who was focused on the road ahead and she wonder if she did the right thing by coming with him two years ago.

She was an innocent sixteen years who thought she was doing the right thing by giving her father a chance;a chance to be good again. Even after what he did to them she still believes there's a good in him.

Maybe it was time for her to be set free once and for all,do the things her mother wanted her to do and be happy,even though 'happiness' was an understatement.

After a few minutes of starring at her father she turned back to watch as the car passed by the trees,even the trees looked happier than she would ever be.

She didn't realizes she was crying until a tiny drop of tears fell on her hands.

She remembered the happy moments she'd spent with her mother;Lorraine was such a happy soul who would do anything to see her family happy.

She remembered how her mom fought against bullies even when she was sick,when Aria was being bullied by mean kids at school,Lorraine was always in the principal's office,when Autumn had her first heartbreak, Lorraine was there to comfort her and tell her life isn't all about boys,when Larry got rejected form joining the school's football team because he wasn't an A student,Lorraine was there to help him improve. And when their dad lost his job in a company he has worked with for over fifteen years, she encouraged him to not give up and search for a new one. That's the type of mother and wife Lorraine was,and all she asked from her husband was to be with her on her dying bed,but he was too selfish to do that.