13 Aria's Outburst

Autumn ran after her and into her room "please leave Autumn,I don't want to argue with you anymore", she said with a teary eyes.

Autumn felt guilt running down her body,Aria deserves to know about her mom also,she shouldn't be kept in the dark.

"Ria I..."

She didn't end when Aria attacked her with questions "What's going on with mom she hasn't been herself these days,what are you hiding? Why do you hate dad now and why is he never home anymore? Why is Larry always in some kind of trouble every week and why do you hate me!!"

Autumn was taken aback by her sister's outburst and she didn't know what to say. She stood there starring at her sister for minutes with tears in her eyes,some how she knew she had to handle this, because her mom won't be here always, she'd had to take care of her siblings.

She reached out to Aria and placed her head on her shoulder "shhh, don't cry anymore, you're a big girl now you know. You cannot know everything now but you will eventually know;I promise. This is called a 'phase' in our lives right now,but everything will be okay. Please wipe your face", she assured her sister has she wiped the tears from Aria's face.

Lorraine heard her children talking and she couldn't help but cry,she cover her mouth with her hands so nobody hears her sobs.