15 Church

Autumn jumps from bed when she heard the bell form the church being rung "damnit,the bellman has to stop doing this on Sundays morning". She sleepily said to herself.

She sat in bed for a minute or two before standing up and heading for the bathroom.

Autumn came down and saw her mother and sister sitting and discussing on the dinning table,they weren't dressed for Church.

"Good morning guys", she greeted as she opened the fridge to get a cold soda. "Aren't you going to Church?" she added.

"I'm not feeling good in my tummy,and mommy isn't well too" Aria replied.

Autumn looked at her mother,she wonder if her mom had spill the beans about her illness to Aria,but Ria didn't look shock so she knew her sister didn't know,she advanced into the kitchen to prepare something to eat before Church.

"Mom I'm off to Church, I'll be back" she said waving at her mom and sister before exiting at the back door.

"Any reason you aren't going to Church too young man",Lorraine said to Larry who looked lost sitting behind the counter in the kitchen and hiding a paper in his pocket.

"I'm exhausted today,will go next Sunday " he told his mother with something like disappointment in his eyes. Before she could ask him what's going on he had left the kitchen already.

"I don't think Larry is okay, he's been like this for a while now" Aria told her mother before standing and taking their breakfast dishes to the kitchen for cleaning.