17 He felt like the useless child

Not long he heard a knock on his door and a tiny figure pushed her head in- it was Lorraine "hey,if you don't mind,can we talk?"

"Come in" he said pushing the bottle back under his bed before his mother sees it.

Lorraine sat on the edge of the bed and whispered "hey, everything okay? I heard from your sister that you've been like this for a while now, anything you want to share?"

"No mom,I okay. I'm just worried about my admission letter from Christian College that's all,I hope I be accepted this time."

"Oh! You got me thinking you were in some sort of trouble again", she said chuckling.

"I know I'm the only ' problematic ' child", he said Air quoting the problematic.

"No...no,not at all son. You're not problematic, you're just going through something which you don't talk about. And I want you to know that I have faith in you,and I believe you're going to be accepted in the Christian College this time around. Good luck son". She said patting his shoulder and leaving his room.

Larry felt like crying,once again in has failed his mother,he couldn't imagine the hurt and disappointment on her face if he'd told her he didn't get in again. He took his Jin back and gulped it down his throat.