20 Is everything okay at home?

"I know you're anxious as to why I called you in my office,am I right?".

"Yes sir,I was wondering. It's the first time I'm being called by you and I'm scared,am I in some kind of trouble?".

"No, everything is ok". Autumn nodded as the pastor spoke " I don't plan on taking much of your time because I know your parents might be worried about your return by now, is just that I'm curious,your father hasn't been in Church for months now and I haven't seen your mother for two Sundays now. Is everything ok at home?".

Autumn signed with relieved, at least she's not in trouble,but how can she answer this question now,she can't tell the pastor her daddy had another weekend family,she also can't tell her mommy has cancer, because then her siblings will find out. Infact,if her mother wants people to know about her illness; she'd say it herself.

"Do you understand my child?", the pastor asked wondering if he crossed the line with his questions.

"Yes sir,I understood. It's just that, daddy is always busy doing the weekends,he goes in the city for work every weekend and my mom came down with flu some times back,she hasn't recover fully yet. I will try and talk to them today,and I'll tell them what you asked me".

Autumn said quickly to stop the pastor from asking anymore questions,and mostly to stop herself from lying to him.

" What work does your father attend to in the city that made him stayed away from Church for several months,Mr Seth is his colleague,but he's always in church,and if your mother's sickness is that serious, why didn't you or your siblings speak up to the church so we can gather at your house for prayer?".

The pastor saw that Autumn was a bit terrified by his questions, so he cut it, and told her to tell her parents that he wanted to see them on the Tuesday night vigil. She bowed her head and headed for the door