22 "What were you doing in that car"

She was indulge in knowing more about Romeo's friends at school,she didn't notice her white two stories house that stood in the middle of the neighborhood. Their house was situated on a little hill,it was the only white house that stood in the middle of the hill.

She looked out through the tinted car door and saw her father standing near the flowers talking on his phone,she sign in frustration,she was back home again.

She and Romeo got out of the car together,the moment her father saw Romeo behind her he put his phone in his pocket and started to approach them.

"Hi dad". She spoke adjusting the hem of her skirt,her father's heart skip a beat when he saw that,what was she doing in that car with that boy in the first place.

"Good afternoon Sir",Romeo also spoke but got ignored by Autumn's father.

"What were you doing in that car Autumn!! " His sentence came out too harsh to be a question "Answer me!!"

Autumn jerked at her father's outburst, Lorraine who were in the living room heard the noise and decided to look outside through the window.

"Ah,Mr Ray it's no-", Romeo tried to defend Autumn but he also got it from angry Ray "I'm not speaking to you young man, it's me and my daughter. If you're done here you can leave now."