25 How did she know?

She reached them and she had tears in her eyes "Autumn, don't speak to your father that way,you weren't raise like that. I didn't raise you to yell at your elder,you're a good and well mannered girl; so behave like one. Now go to your room."

" But mom," she tried to talk but her mother didn't allow her to.

"I said go to your room,now!!"

She passed by her mother and hurry into the house,Larry and Aria who were playing game on the kitchen table saw her and wondered what happened.

Ray was still in shock,how did his daughter know a lot about him and Judy?

He looked at Lorraine in shame before following Autumn into the house,Larry and Aria had left the kitchen and was now standing in the living room. They saw their father also rushing up the stairs like Autumn "what's happening?" Aria asked Larry but he didn't answer,he left her standing and went outside to his mother.

"Is everything okay?" he asked Lorraine's who back was turn to him,after some second he didn't get n answer so he moved closer to her and noticed tears flowing down her drained eyes.