28 No remorse

Ray was speechless,he so badly wanted to know how she found out " who told you all this?" he asked feeling like the worse parent on earth.

"I've been stalking you dad.....for months now,and I found out that you've been with that woman for a year now. I searched your belongings and I listened to your midnight phone calls".

"How could you do that? How could you invade my privacy Autumn? Even your mother won't do it so how could you?"

"I know mommy won't do it,so I had to take initiative because I needed to know what you were up to,I needed to know why you doesn't care about mom anymore,I needed to know why Ria wasn't your ' princess ' anymore and it's because of that woman's daughter."

"Leave Ria out of this Autumn, please. Umm...mmm.... we'll talk about this later. Do not tell Ria about this,if anybody should tell her it should be me."

"So daddy you have no remorse? Is that all you have to say about this situation?"

"I don't want to talk now Autumn, you're angry and I don't want to worsen it,we will talk about it later;like I said", he stood up to leave when Autumn had an outburst and threw her lamp on the floor.