39 Autumn gained admission

Autumn was enjoying her soup and humming to herself when she heard Aria screaming downstairs,she rushed out of bed,almost spilling soup and the sheets.

She saw Aria and her mother dancing in the sitting room, Lorraine had a cream envelope in her hand.

"What's wrong,you guys look happy" she asked smiling and joining the fun.

"Congrats Autumn", Aria said hugging her tightly.

"Congrats for what,I don't understand,tell me please."

Her mother opened the envelope and took out the papers in it,she then placed it right before Autumn's face and she froze from what she saw.

She's been granted an admission into the NYU,she jumped up and down before yelling "YES!!!"

She took the paper from her mother's hand and went upstairs to share the news with her new friends,she opened their chat and saw that Maria was the only active one online.

Autumn: "Hey guys,NYU just granted me admission,I'm super happy now.....

Maria: Congrats Autumn,you worked for it.

Autumn: Thanks Maria....

She put her phone away and began to dance before her mirror.

Larry was down,to think he's been applying for admission from a small college for years now but he always fail the test,but his little sister applied to a very big University and got in with little or no effort. What are the odds??