56 "Care to sit down"

"I'm Autumn."

"Hmm-Autumn,do you always turn your back to people when talking or is it just me?" He asked teasingly,he knew she was shy, because he get that a lot from girls.

"I'm sorry,I just wanted to get a clear view of the ocean", she lied.

"Care to sit down?"He asked pulling another orange beach chair near the one Autumn was sitting in first.

Autumn noticed that the three girls were now looking at her with envy, maybe it was because of Jake.

She took her seat near his,she still couldn't look him in the eyes.

"So Autumn,do you live here in Miami?"

"Nope,I'm here in a family vacation."

"Oh I see,I'm also here on a vacation with my mom and sister,and also her ' boyfriend ' that I hate."

Autumn laughed at the last part "I was told by my parents that it's wrong to hate people."

"I know",he said "but it's just hard to like him. I feel like he's cunning,and he's also a divorcee. I feel like he's just fooling my mom."

Autumn smiled a bit,this guy is weird. He didn't even know her well but he's here narrating his story to her.