79 Leaving Miami

The doctors were preparing Lorraine for a long travel so the children rode the ambulance to the airport,they needed to have medicals there with them just in case.

The manager told them that the flight was to stop in Queens and that they would get on another flight from Queens to Hamilton,Autumn couldn't stop herself from hugging the lady before getting into the ambulance. This woman was sent from heaven to help them.

Because they were on ambulance,it didn't take long for them to reach the airport. They got their mother out through the help of the nurses,the nurses said their farewells and wished them luck.

Lorraine could now stand on her own but she couldn't balance well,Larry had support her by placing her arms around his shoulder when walking.

They were seated at the place the manager told them to sit when they got to the airport,Aria has been crying throughout the ride.

They saw a man approaching them,it must be the man the manaytold them about. He collected their passports and told them to follow him. He took them to where passports were being checked to stand in line,but when the people saw the sick woman,they gave them chance to stand at the front.