100 Nothing is okay

"I've tried calling but I can't get ahold of either of them. How are the kids?" He said to his wife after getting home.

"I don't know what to say or do Jack, nothing's okay and nobody's fine. Autumn and Jack can't speak up and I am loosing my mind."

Jack laid his wife head on his shoulder and kiss her on the forehead,he pretended to be strong even though he was dying inside also.

Living without Lorraine was the hardest thing for him also,he remembered telling her he was getting old and that she needed to start saving money for his burial,but now, he's the one going to bury his only child.

He wanted to scream and cry also,but his wife and grand children needed him,he couldn't go weak now or all of them fall.

He left his wife and the kids in the house and went around asking of Aria,no one in the neighborhood knew her whereabouts. Her friends checked everywhere they could but got no sign of her.

The time was 11:55 Pm but he still hasn't found her yet.

He couldn't go home because he promised Grace that he will return with Aria,but she was no where.