104 Agony

She couldn't believe her mother's death was real, she'd lost all hopes of life now, there's literally no reason to be alive now.Maybe she should just kill herself and be done.

It hasn't been 24 hours since her mother died but she knew her life will never ever be the same for eternity.

She closed her eyes slightly and allowed tears to flow on the side of her cheeks.


"Why can't I get to him!" Jack complained as he dialed Ray's number for the hundredth times and it was still switch off.

"Any new about my sister?"Jack and Grace turned their heads towards the kitchen door when they heard Autumn's voice, she'd locked her room and have refused to speak since yesterday.

They were shock when they heard her talk "we will find her today,I promise",Grace said going to hug her grand daughter.

Autumn looked pale like someone who donated five pounds of blood to the hospital.

Grace sat her down in one of the chairs and rushed to make some hot tea with herbs, Autumn needed it at this point.

Jack went upstairs to check on Larry,he found him the same way he was yesterday,it looks like he needed some special medical care.