102 Grateful

Aria couldn't help the fear that came over her,this man looks fierce and scary.

"Who are you?" she asked trying to get off the bed but her feeble body failed her once again.

"Relax Mi amor", the guy said resting his weight on the wall and crossing his left foot over the right,he placed his hands in his pocket and give Aria a assuring smile.

' Gezz,what the hell his happening ', she screamed in her head.

"If I wanted to hurt you,I would've done it in the woods when you were vulnerable."

' So this is the husband of the girl who healed her headache ',she remember a girl telling her that she was brought there by her husband; the girl's name,she don't know.

"Your wife told me earlier,I'm grateful sir. I don't know what would have happened to me if I was left there."

"It's okay little one,just get enough rest. We'll go looking for your home tomorrow."

"Can't it be now sir,I'm begging you. My sister and brother must be worrying about me. I left without anyone knowing and I know they're going nuts by now,can you please take me home now?"