114 "They're all I have"

"You're wrong Jack,they only want to leave with you because they don't want to see me now,but I'm sure they will want to stay here,they have memories if their mother here, everything they live is here. Please don't take my children from me,they all I have now,I'm begging you."

"Let's do it this way",Jack tried negotiating with Ray,"we will take them for a week or two,just so we can be closer to them and watch them heal,after that,if they're willing to come back home,I promise to bring them myself. Deal?"

He got a death sentence look from his wife after saying that to Ray.

"Deal,but you don't have to bring them,I will come pick them myself." He had to agree to Jack because he can't be more wicked and allow his children suffocate in here with him,he know they needed time away from him, maybe they'll come around after they've healed.

"Why did you say that to him? What if my grand children agree to come back with him after a week? He will bring Judy here to trouble my grand babies,do you think it will be nice?" Grace snapped at her husband after Ray left the kitchen.

"If they come back with him than there's no harm there, he's their father anyways,I'm sure he wouldn't allow anyone to hurt them." Jack replied.

"Once a beast is always a beast,he hurt them first and he can do it again. Once my grand kids are out of here,they are never stepping foot back here. I don't care what you or anyone have to say." She left the kitchen and went to the guest room to rest.