127 Counselor Cece

"As you can see there are many people outside waiting to be attended to,so let's make this quick. Your name is Ariana Isabella Ray,am I correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"My name is Cecelia Roman,but the students called me Cece,I will like you to refer to me as that from now on."


"You're a freshman student from the liberal arts department,you're eighteen years of age and you live Hamilton, correct?"


"Forget about the name, you'll get used to it. Now, what encouraged you to study Philosophy?"

"I love critical thinking and I also want to become a Lawyer, Cece."

"Okay Ms Ray, growing up s a child,did you face any major heart ache that led to a massive destruction in your life?"

"I don't understand ma'am."

"Was there any tragedy that took place in your life while growing up that was a major break down for you? Or just anything that might have changed you negatively."

' What is she taking about? My only major break down was when I lost my mom. I can't tell her about mommy because it will only break me down more,I need to come up with something.' She thought to herself.

"Did you hear what I said Ms Ray?"

"No, there's nothing ma'am, I've always been good while growing up",she lied.